Hello Preschool Families!!
We had a wonderful first week getting to know your students.
A Week in Review:
· We explored the different areas in our classroom as well as in our building. We learned about how we can use our STAR power in the classroom and on the playground.
· We played games to get to know one another. We also started our social and emotional curriculum and met Twiggle the turtle. Twiggle comes to talk with the students about how to solve problems as well as identify feelings.
· We talked about the color Red. We looked who was wearing the color and where we could find it in our classroom and outside. We sang this song about the color red:
R-E-D, red.
R-E-D, red.
I can spell red
I can spell red.
Fire trucks are red,
Stop signs are red, too.
What to Expect:
· Letters: Aa, Bb
· The number: Zero
· The color: Orange
· The Shape: Circles
Thank you for your support! Working with your preschooler at home really makes a difference.
Important Dates:
- Sept. 3rd: Labor Day- No School
- Sept. 4th– Oct. 5th: STEM Unit 1 Starts: Life Cycles
- Sept 6: Love and Logic: 6pm – 7:30pm
- Sept. 13th: PTO General Meeting: 6pm – 8pm
- Sept.13th: PJ Day: Please bring a $1 for PTO
- Sept. 15th: Miner’s Day Parade: 10am
- Sept. 20th: Love and Logic Class: 6pm – 7:30pm
- Sept. 21st: Volunteer Training: 9:00am to 10:30am
- Sept. 24th: Believe Fundraiser begins
- Sept. 25th McDonald’s Spirit Night: 4pm – 8pm
- Sept. 25th: Picture Day
Volunteering at Spark!:
We welcome parent, guardian, and grandparent volunteers and want you to be involved. For preschool, it is required by licensing that volunteer training be offered and attended to volunteer in classrooms or the school. This is a session where children over the age of 6 months should not be present. The next session for training, offered by two teachers, will be on Friday, September 21st from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. After that, there will be a training in October, January, February, and March offered at various times.
Speaking of volunteering, we are looking for an office squad of volunteers this school year to better assist our teachers in clerical ways (copying, laminating, stapling, sorting, etc). Sometimes, children have a difficult time at this age having a family member volunteer in the classroom, as it can be difficult with separation, anxiety, or behaviors. If you’d like to volunteer but know the classroom will be a difficult space, we are looking for a volunteer in the office for each session of preschool in the AM and PM Monday through Thursday, for a total of eight dependable, reliable volunteers each week. This will help teachers across the school make the best use of their planning time during the week and on Fridays. We already have a volunteer on Mondayand Wednesday mornings! Please consider assisting our staff in this manner if the idea of being in the classroom doesn’t appeal to you. The below training is required. If you are interested, please email me at gordon_paige@svvsd.org.
· Monday, August 13, from 4:00 – 5:30 pm -completed
· Friday, September 21 from 9 am – 10:30 am
· Monday, October 22 from 4 – 5:30 pm
· Friday, January 18th from 9 am – 10:30 am
· Tuesday, February 19 from 4:00 – 5:30 pm
· Friday, March 15 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mrs. Tori & Mrs. Claudia