We have had a great start to the school year! We have been learning about our bodies, nutrition, and exercise. Thank you for all of the families that participated in the family project.The kids were proud of their work! No School or childcare on October 18th or 21st Curriculum: Our math focus for this month is Number Sense. Our focus will be on quantity and how we use numbers to name specific quantities in relation to a set of objects. Some ways you can integrate this work at home include counting a specified amount for snack, how many socks when folding laundry, seconds while washing hands, steps to get to a room, etc. We will continue our focus on numerals 1-5. *Our letter focus will include: Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, and Hh. *Our next stem unit is Pets. Important Dates *October 2-Official student count day. Please make sure your child is at school! *September 30-October 4 Parent Teacher Conferences *October 4-Last day for Believe Fundraiser *October 8-Fire Safety Presentation *October 9-Hearing and Vision Screening *October 15 & 22 &28-Parenting with Love and Logic Class 6:00-7:30 pm Trick or Treat Street at Spark! Friday, October 25th from 4:30-6:00 A soft start/low sensory time is offered from 4:30-4:50pm.