Mr. Ben’s Update 10-31-19

Hello families, What a crazy week we have had with the weather and all the snow. The morning class only had school two days this week, while the afternoon class had class four day this week. The students have been enjoying the robotics unit, and the afternoon class got to go to the Bot Spot (robotics laboratory) to play with Cubelet robots.  We will make sure to reschedule to get the morning class in there for some hands-on early coding, and playing with robots.  For those who have been at school, this week we practiced matching numerals to quantities again. We are working hard on getting our students to recognize and learn about written numerals. For our higher students, this has been an opportunity to practice basic arithmetic. We also did a music and movement activity with scarves, and Wednesday we played the magic color bag game.  We have been learning about our 5 senses in school, and we have practiced listening, tasting, seeing, hearing, and touching different objects and using descriptive words to describe the object. Practice talking about, identifying, and explaining the 5 senses with your child at home.  As winter has arrived early this year, please make sure to send your child to school with the appropriate clothing. We will be going outside most days, depending on the weather, and we will do our best to get all students dressed in the appropriate layers before going to recess and at pick-up time.  Happy Halloween, please stay safe and warm tonight if you are going trick or treating. Additionally, please remember to leave the candy at home, we do have a severe nut allergy in our classroom. PLEASE READ, SIGN, AND RETURN THE INDIVIDUALIZED LEARNING PLAN IN YOUR STUDENTS FOLDER THIS WEEK. Upcoming Events• November 7th- Pajama day (this is a PTO fundraiser and it is a suggested $1.00 donation for pajama day)

Spark! Discovery Preschool