Ms. Nicky and Ms. Julie’s November News
Happy November! We have been having a great time with our Transportation Unit! We have sorted vehicles by mode of transportation-land, air, water, and have discussed why one mode might work better than another. We talked about how vehicles help workers do jobs, and visited the police station and saw a bucket truck in action to reinforce that idea. We will do some fun sink/float experiments to explore water transportation. In our dramatic play area, we have had an auto shop and a train station, and in the coming week, we will have an airport. We will end the unit with a Design Challenge where students will have to Build a car that has one or more special features and can travel two feet or more by itself, inspired by the book If I Built a Car by Chris Van Dusen. We can’t wait to see what they design!
A Special Thankful Lunch
On Thursday, November 21, we would like to invite you to come and have lunch with your child. We thought it would be fun if the students could have someone special come and eat lunch with them. If you are able to attend, please bring a lunch and plan on arriving at 11:10. We will finish by 11:45 to allow for the rest time that is required by licensing. To accommodate everyone, we will be dining in the cafeteria. Please limit the number attending to no more than 2 adults. Hot lunch will still be available on that day for students who are wanting it.
Dressing for the Weather
Cold weather is here, and we will still try to get outside for recess every day. If you are in need of a coat, hat, mittens, or boots for your child, please let me know and I can assist you. Please continue to work with your child on putting on their coat and zipping it. Also, if you send your child to school with big boots, please send in a pair of shoes for them to change into. It is helpful to send in warm mittens/gloves because the equipment is metal and very cold. If there is a tag inside them, please label them!
Change of Clothes
If you haven’t done so already, now would be a great time to check the clothes in your child’s backpack and make sure they are weather-appropriate and still fit. I feel like everyone is growing really fast!
Brag Tag Necklaces
We have started doing Brag Tag awards every Thursday. Each week, students will have a chance to earn brag tags to put on the necklace that they designed for themselves. They can earn them for academic achievements, as well as showing positive behaviors at school. We are hoping the tags will be an incentive for
students to work towards goals at school. They are given the option of wearing the necklaces each day at school, but they are not allowed to bring them home until the end of the year. Make sure to ask your child about the brag tags they have received!
Working With Your Child at Home
Please continue to read nightly with your child. As you read, ask questions about the text. For example, “Who is the character in the story?” “What was the problem in the story?” “How did the character feel?” “What action did the character take to solve the problem?” “How did the story end?” These kind of questions are great for developing your child’s ability to comprehend what is being read to them and, eventually, what they are reading.
To help reinforce number sense, ask your child to count things in the environment. If you notice that they tend to get stuck on a certain number, ask them to count to that number. This will help to draw attention to that number so that they will start to remember it when counting.
Important Dates
November 1: Innovation Center Visit for those who signed up (9:45 am-10:45 am)
November 1-21: Carbon Valley Help Center Food Drive
November 5: Believe Fundraiser Pickup
November 7: Pajama Day! Bring $1 and wear your P.J.s to school
November 14: PTO meeting (6:00 pm-7:30 pm)–FREE Childcare will be provided
November 15: Volunteer Training (9:30 am-11:00 am)
November 19: PTO night at Chick-Fil-A in Longmont (5:00 pm-8:00 pm)
November 21: STAR Power party
November 21: A Special Thankful Lunch
November 25-29: NO SCHOOL