Ms. Jess’s Newsletter – September 2016

News: We have had a great start to our school year. These past few weeks we have been learning about school vocabulary (pencil, paper, crayon) and have been playing “Little Mouse” a game to make learning colors engaging. We have also begun working on our letter of the week. Miss Ruth and Mr. Ty are doing a large group activity combining therapies on Thursdays and the students are really enjoying it. Library checkout will be starting the week September 6th. Please help your child bring their book back regularly as we will be checking out weekly.


*Our first STEM unit of the year will be Buildings.

*Our Big Idea of Mathematics for the month of September is Sets. Our focus will be on sorting collections into sets based on attributes such as color, shape, and size.

*We will also begin our work with number identification focusing on numbers 1-3.

*Letter Focus this month: Ll, Ff, Ee, Hh, Tt.

Individual Picture Day

September 27th & 28th

*More information to come!

Important Dates

·      Pajama Day: Thursday, September 15th. Bring a dollar to donate to PTO.

·      Miner’s Day Parade: Saturday, September 17th. Join our school and ride on our float or walk and hand out candy in the parade.

·      Love and Logic Parenting Class/PTO Meeting: Thursday, September 8th from 6-8.


Spark! Discovery Preschool