Ms. Amy Kuesel’s Update 1-7-2020

Dear Parents,I hope you all had a wonderful Winter Break and holiday!  And thank-you for our wonderful turn-out for our Winter Celebrations before our break.  Ms. Allison and I appreciate all your donations and also our MANY gifts, cards, coffee, etc….We felt very appreciated! This week we continue on our PETS unit.  In the morning class we have a little kitten that is going to visit us one morning.  Please let me know if your student has any fears or allergies to animals.  Also…..if you have an interesting pet you would like to bring in.  Please e-mail me directly and we can see if we can make it happen.   Important:  On Thursday is our STAR power, positive behavior celebration.  The children have earned a STUFFED ANIMAL day.  They can bring one favorite stuffed animal and we will celebrate with a little video and cozy time with our stuffed animals. ThanksAmy and Allison


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