Ms. Nicky’s update 11-13-17

Hi Families!

Can you believe that it’s almost Thanksgiving break?!  I just wanted to send a few reminders about things we have going on at Spark! this week.  The Canned Food Drive runs until the end of this week.  Thank you to all of the families who have donated!  We really appreciate it!   We also have a Book and Toy Drive happening.  The items that we collect for this will go right to families here at our school.  Please consider donating! Wednesday is Picture Retake day.  If you were not happy with your pictures the first time around, or if you missed our first picture day, Wednesday is your day to either get the picture redone, or taken for the first time.   There is also a FREE Parenting class on Wednesday from 6:30-7:45.  Childcare is also FREE.   Have a great rest of the week!Nicky

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