Ms. Amy Newsom’s update 11-15-19

Students have been enjoying our pets unit learning about different animals and what kind of care they need. We painted pet rocks and made them milk carton homes and other items like leashes or blankets and most of your kiddos took them home this week. Some in the morning class still need to make the trip home. We talked about how pets need a home, food, water, and love. 

We have done a variety of math activities like measuring pets using unifix cubes, sorting pet counters by color or animal types, and creating patterns with animals. This week we also completed our design challenge to create a pet carrier to bring an animal home in. We completed this in groups of 4 which was rather challenging for many of our students. Next design challenge I am planning to email ahead of time if we have any parents who can come in and help facilitate groups, because compromise is almost impossible at this age for children! I want everything to be successful. I had not realized the juice design challenge was supposed to be done in groups and children completed it individually really well. So I am learning too!

Next week we will conclude our pets unit making little chatterpix videos of stuffed animals and saying something we know about them. It should be fun!

Items we need for the classroom if anyone is available to donate: plastic spoons (we use these for some of our snacks and go through them very quickly)

Small paper plates (used for snacks and class projects and also go through them quickly)

Feathers (I would like to offer feather painting as a pets project choice)

The school is asking us to remind families to keep an extra change of clothes in your child’s backpack as we are out of extra clothes. Please leave it without a plastic bag as these are suffocation hazards and not allowed due to licensing rules. Also ziplocs are not allowed for snacks due to licensing, so if your child brings a snack please put it in a plastic container. If you are able to donate any extra clothes to our school we need: girls underwear size 4,5, and 6.  Also sweatpants in sizes 4,5,and 6 would be great in unisex colors so we can use them for boys or girls. Thanks so much!


Here is the link for important information for the month of December:


Kindergarten registration starts December 2nd. I will be sending an email to all families of children eligible for kindergarten next year soon with more information. 


Enjoy the week off the week after this coming one! No school November 25-29. 

Have a wonderful weekend! Ms. Amy, Ms. Catalina (Cathy), and Ms. Wanda

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