Ms. Marie’s update 12-1-17

Ms. Marie’s December 2017 NewsletterNovember 30, 2017By Marie Bloch Dear Preschool Families:December is here and we are beginning to see some colder weather finally! We continue to go outside, so please keep sending cold weather clothes for your students every day. We started learning about our bodies this first week of our STEM unit on Health/Exercise and Wellness. The children have been enjoying our dramatic play area Dr.’s office. We have been learning about the parts of the body and their functions, specifically our bones, muscles, lungs and heart. Next week we will be focusing on ways to keep our bodies healthy, and going to the doctor and dentist. The week before winter break, we will be learning about nutrition. Parent/Family Volunteer Training:If you are interested in volunteering, the following training sessions are being offered. More will be offered occasionally throughout the school year. Please take a few minutes to look at the schedule, since training is required before parents/guardians and family members canvolunteer. NOTE: Two Training Sessions: Thursday, November 30th – 12:30 – 2:00 pm and 6:00 – 7:30 pmSee details below:Training Schedule: All trainings are held at Spark! Discovery Preschool Today: Thursday Nov 30 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm facilitated by Paige Gordon,Administrator (translator available) Today: Thursday Nov 30 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm facilitated by Tori Menard and KierstenPierpoint, Educators (translator available) Thursday Dec 14 from 8:30 to 10:00 am facilitated by Paige Gordon, Administrator Thursday Jan. 4 from 8:30 to 10:00 am facilitated by Paige Gordon, Administrator Reminders: Returning Individual Learning Plans and December Scholastic Book Order Thank you so much for checking your child’s Thursday folder and returning it and any signed documents we request – as well as completed homework. There are still families that have not returned their child’s Individual Learning Plan. This document gives you the opportunity to see and approve key learning steps for your child at school. If you would like to make changes, I would be happy to talk to you, and include your concerns and priorities in my planning. If you are in agreement with the plan, simply sign it and return it in your child’s Thursday folder. If you need another copy, let me know and I will get you another copy. Please return your child’s Scholastic Book order by next Thursday, Dec 7 th if you would like toorder books. Winter Celebrations:Class winter celebrations will be held Thursday, December 14 th , 2017AM class – 10:30 – 11:10 amPM class – 2:25 – 3:10 pmMore details and how to sign up to donate food will be coming! This week we learned about:Letters: Willy Weasel (Ww) & Xavier Fox (Xx)Color: BlueShape: HeartNumber: 1 It is so helpful for you to reinforce your child’s learning at home. You can point out things in theenvironment that start with the letter W and X. You can also notice how fast your heart isbeating based on what you have been doing. Taking the time to model and encourage yourchild to take a deep breath is relaxing and reinforcing at the same time! We measured howmany unix cubes equaled the length of our hands. Think of other things at home that you canmeasure. Just because the nursery rhyme unit is over, don’t forget about singing rhymingsongs and coming up with rhyming words. The PATHS social emotional lesson this week focused on giving compliments, not just aboutwhat children look like or their clothes, but about what they do. We are still learning this skill inour classroom. Help your child grow in this area by noticing and complimenting things they do.Also, if your child does “Turtle” or simply stops to smell a flower and blow out a candle whenthey are upset, compliment them for practicing staying safe and learning how to manage theirstrong feelings. Important Dates: Nov 30, 12:30 to 2:00 pm Parent/Family Volunteer Training facilitated by Paige Gordon,Administrator (translator available) Nov 30 6:00 to 7:30 pm Parent/Family Volunteer Training facilitated by Tori Menard andKiersten Pierpoint, Educators (translator available) Dec 7 – 8:  PBIS Starpower reward — Dance party in the Gym Dec 7: Ms. Marie’s Scholastic book orders due. Dec 7: 6-8 pm:  Spark PTO meeting 12/13-12/14: Spirit Day- PJ Day $1 to wear pjs all day Dec 14 from 8:30 to 10:00 am Parent Volunteer Training with Paige Gordon Dec 14- 15:  Winter party celebrations — more information to come Dec 15: Deadline for returning tuition-based families to submit an application for the18-19 school year. Dec. 18 – Jan 1: School closed for Winter Break – No preschool or childcare. STEM Profile for the Month of December: Reflective“I think about what I have learned, what I am good at, and what I can improve the next time. Itake the time to think about my actions and their effects. I give and take feedback fromothers.” Letters for the Month of December:Week of 12/4 – Y, ZWeek of 12/11 – L, F, E, H We are continuing to work on our colors, shapes, numbers and counting from 1-10. The 4th Starpower Reward party will be a Dance Party. The children are motivated to attend thereward party and you can encourage them to show their “Starpower” at home as well as atschool. S.T.A.R. which stands for…S = Stay SAFET = Use TEAMWORKA = ACT responsiblyR = RESPECT self and others Homework:The children love earning prizes for turning in their completed reading log for the month andalso for turning in 5 completed homework assignments! Please help them earn prizes and buildtheir pre-reading and writing skills while doing their homework with you. December homeworkinformation is included in your Thursday folder this week. Announcing: Our 4 th  Annual Book and Toy Drive:Help us put a smile on the face of a child!  Drop off any new, unwrapped book or toy from 11/13/17to Friday, 12/15/17 at Spark! Discovery Preschool, at 555 8th  Street.  Please contact Ms. Marie if you have any questions or concerns. (

Spark! Discovery Preschool