Here are this week’s announcements and reminders:
Concepts: Fourteen (14), cube, orange; Literacy Q, U, me, like
Show and Share Sounds: Q and U (*Show and Share – Each week, once a week, your child may bring show and share items that start with our letters of the week. In a few weeks I will send out a schedule and guidelines for “free choice” show and share that we will start after Spring Break)
Fundraiser packets for Butter Braids were sent home this week. Forms need to be returned no later than March 13th. Pick-up will be March 20th from 11:30pm to 3:00pm and then 4:30pm to 5:30pm or parents can contact the PTO directly to make special arrangements to pick-up (sparkdiscoverypto@gmail.com). All butter braids must be picked-up on or before April 5th.
Happy March!