Hi Families,
I hope you are all doing well. I am currently playing with some other ways to send videos.
hello:letters.mov Spring Break begins tomorrow for St. Vrain Valley School District. If you are looking for some things to do, here are some ideas π 1. Try to read every day. You can use myon, the scholastic link, any book you have at your house πhttps://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome/grades-prek-k.html 2. Have your students use drawing and writing tools.Students can draw a picture of him/herself and label it with his/her name. The students are great at drawing and writing about things that inspire him/her. Rainbows are always a big hit in both classes. So are hearts. You might all sit down as a family and do some drawing and writing together. Modeling this behavior really can help students. (For example: Adults might be writing a grocery or home depot list, brother/sister might be drawing/writing a comic stripor a detailed picture etc.) 3. Try this link: https://family.gonoodle.com/. — students love Banana, Banana, Meatball, Monster Freeze Dance and Left and Right Robot. Let them teach you. Maybe have a family dance party! With my very best to each of you,Mary Stivison