A Message from the school Principal, Paige Gordon
ART SHOW: Thank you to everyone who came to our whole school art show yesterday! It was so much fun to see the creativity and self-expression on display through art. I appreciate all the work and effort our preschool team of teachers and staff did to plan, implement, and showcase all of the wonderful activities and learning classes have done. Check out posts / pictures on our school’s Facebook here.
SAVE THE DATE: Our spring carnival is Friday, May 17 starting at 5:00 pm — more details to come!
STAFF SPOTLIGHT: “Exploring Early Childhood Education: A Reflection with Noreen Reeder” — please read more about Ms. Noreen’s approach to learning and teaching in early childhood.
Rotary Club of Carbon Valley activity this weekend:

Enrich Your Child’s Early Education Pathway: Pre-K Wraparound Care Registration Open for 2024-2025
Discover St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Wraparound Pre-K Care, extending the preschool experience for children ages 3 to 5 across six district schools. With highly qualified staff working alongside preschool teachers, children receive a full day of learning and enrichment in a safe and nurturing environment that celebrates their unique abilities and personality. Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. Click to learn more about this nurturing program! Learn more about Pre-K Wraparound Care
Reading Club: A partnership between Spark! Discovery Preschool and the Carbon Valley Library
The next Reading Club is on Thursday, April 4, 2024, from 4:15 pm – 5:00 pm. We are excited to announce an opportunity to get involved in early literacy as a family! Amanda Pittman, Librarian from Carbon Valley Regional Library and Mary Stivison, Teacher at Spark! are partnering together to bring story time to Spark! during the week! Come engage in literacy activities with us! Families are welcome. We have room for 30 students each session, and families can attend more than one session. Students can choose a book to read and take home. A link to register was sent out to parents earlier. We haven’t included that link here because this newsletter is published on the internet, and we’d like the form to stay private to families/parents of our school. Questions? Email Mary Stivison, preschool teacher, at [email protected] — she can help anyone wanting to come on 4/4/24.
April 1 – 5, 2024 – IMPORTANT DATES
- All week: Big Ideas of Early Mathematics: Spatial Awareness
- All week: STEM PROFILE OF THE MONTH: Open-Minded
- All week: Fundations- A, B, C, and D
- STEM UNITS – they start back up on Monday, April 15 for all students
- Mon, Apr 1, 2024,- Happy April Fools Day
- Mon, Apr 1 – Tuition is due
- Tue, Apr 2, 2024- World Autism Awareness Day — LIGHT IT UP BLUE / LIGHT IT UP RED
- Tues, 4/2/24 – TOUR at 8:30 am
- Wed, Apr 3, 2024- Late Start for K-12 (not applicable for PK),
- Wed, Apr 3, 2024- Pajama Day sponsored by the PTO– $1.00 suggested donation.
- Thur, Apr 4 – Reading Club- Mary and Carbon Valley Library 4:15 – 5:00 pm — in the GYM
- ____________________________________________________________________________
April 8 – 12, 2024 – IMPORTANT DATES
- All week: Big Ideas of Early Mathematics: Spatial Awareness
- All week: STEM PROFILE OF THE MONTH: Open-Minded
- All week: Fundations – E, F, G, H
- STEM UNITS: Mini-Unit — 2 weeks long… student/teacher choice/interest
- Thurs, Apr 11, 2024 3:05pm – Community Schools- Enrichment Painting Birdhouses — in the Makerspace — Questions? Call Tasha, coordinator, at 720-652-7908.
A Message from the Community Schools Manager, Tasha Lugg, [email protected]
Summer Camps – Pre-K Summer Childcare
- K-5 Camps Open 7am – 6pm
- Pre-K Camps Open 7am – 5:30pm
- For more details on SVVSD camps, visit our website.
- Click here to be linked to the Community Schools website.
- Camp dates: June 3 – August 2, 2024 (closed 7/4/24 & 7/5/24)
- Registration fees: $50 for individuals, $75 family (nonrefundable)
- Daily Cost: $50 per day per child
- Pre-K Camps
- Open 7am – 5:30pm
- Accepting 3, 4 & 5 year old
- Legacy Pre-K
- Mountain View Pre-K
- Questions? Call Tasha Lugg at 720-652-7908, at Spark!
A message from our Campus Supervisor, Alicia Sheahan Hall–[email protected].
As we return from Spring Break, we understand that transitioning back into the regular school routine can be challenging for students. If your child is finding it difficult to part with you at the door, we kindly suggest bringing them through the front office until they feel more comfortable. Please note that we are unable to accommodate extended drop-off times in the morning or afternoon. After a transition into the classroom, classroom doors will be closed, and any late arrivals must enter through the front of the school for drop-off. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring a smooth return to the school routine for all students.
A message from the Spark! Registrar/Attendance clerk, [email protected]
-Participation in early education programs, like preschool, leads to better attendance in kindergarten.
-Starting in kindergarten, missing 10% of school (or just 2 days every month) can make it harder to learn to read as children can fall behind in school.
-Good attendance whether class is held in person or remotely can help children do well in school and eventually in the workplace and in college.
A message from the Spark! Health Clerk, Amanda Rivera, rivera_aman[email protected]
It is spring time in Colorado! Time to layer clothing and be prepared for rain, snow and sunshine! Please make sure your student’s have a change of clothing in their backpacks in case of accidents. We do our best to make sure our students stay dry, but when the puddle calls, it must be splashed!
SVVSD Nutrition Services- Lunch and Snack Menu- https://linqconnect.com/public/menu/DCN3CB?buildingId=482fe7e5-3406-ee11-a17a-83fe6e630216
We invite our families to join us on social media and on the web:
Facebook: Spark-Discovery-Preschool-of-St-Vrain
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sparkdiscoverypreschool/
Twitter: @SparkDPS
Website: https://sdpk.svvsd.org/