A message from our Principal, Paige Gordon
Thank you to everyone who assisted with our Spark! PTO fundraiser! I know our PTO has already been putting funds to good use with our staff who wrote grants for innovative ideas and materials! Thanks to Ms. Danielle, Ms. Polly, Ms. Marie, Ms. Kiersten, Ms. Amy, and Ms. Miranda for submitting their ideas to the PTO. Tuesday, Nov 19, is fundraiser pick up day – at 11:10 am and 3:05 pm, and our PTO will have people in the cafeteria to help families get their items. They could use help at these times with volunteers — email them at [email protected] to help outside of classrooms.
Our school district will be sending information about Inclement Weather days the next few days. Please pay close attention to this message, as it highlights the schedules in the event of a two hour weather delay, inclement weather shortened on-line learning days, and communication processes our school district will use to communicate when the weather disrupts the normal school schedule. Parents and families can ensure they get accurate notifications regarding weather by making sure information is accurate in Infinite Campus. Read more here: https://www.svvsd.org/departments/communications/messenger-notification-system/.
Thank you to everyone who helped support our Trick or Treat Street through participation, volunteering, and donations! We had plenty of everything — families that attended with their children (we enjoyed seeing everyone’s costumes!), staff volunteers and their older kids who helped hand out treats, and because of the donations, we had plenty of items to give out to our families. Thank you for your generosity!
In looking toward the 2025 – 2026 school year, we learned that registration for Universal Preschool (UPK) begins Tuesday, December 17. As we learn more from our school district, we’ll share this information with our families, on our socials, and on our website.
Check out the information about the Carbon Valley Help Center. If families need assistance, they are open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and can be reached at 303-833-6626.
Spirit week is coming the week before the Thanksgiving break — look for a flyer in this week’s folder to check out the events / days for the week of Nov 18 – 21.
With respect – Paige Gordon, Principal ([email protected])
Carbon Valley Help Center Food Drive

We are accepting food donations for the Carbon Valley Help Center. The Carbon Valley Help Center is a local nonprofit serving the Carbon Valley, with generosity help those in immediate need move toward self – sufficiency. Donations can be brought to the front office from October 30 – November 16, 2024. This is a decade-long partnership between our school and the center. If a family is in need of assistance, please read more about the CVHC by clicking this link: https://carbonvalleyhelpcenter.org/.
We are looking for the following donations:
- Beans (dry or canned)
- Canned Fruit
- Canned Meat
- Tomato Products
- Cereal
- Macaroni & Cheese
- Pasta & Rice
- Canned Soup & Stews
- Peanut Butter
- Toiletries, including individually wrapped toilet paper, body soap, shampoo, deodorant
Free Coats

Important Dates at Spark! Nov 4- Nov 8, 2024
Mon, Nov 4
Big Idea of Early Mathematics Math focus: Counting – see information that came home in Thursday folders for the three big ideas of COUNTING
STEM profile of the Month: Enthusiastic – see info that came home in last week’s Thursday folder
STEM Unit 2 Starts on 11-4-24 with THESE TOPICS/TEACHERS:
- Danielle H. and Amy N.- Expressing Ourselves through Art
- Noreen R. and Kaylee C.- People and Places in my Community
- Tori M., Kiersten P., and Marie B.- Making Music
- Kelli W., Miranda B., and Polly J.- Simple Machines – a study in Motion
All week our counselor, Ms. Sandy, will be conducting whole-group lessons on Identifying and Managing Feelings- book The Color Monster.
Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
Tues, Nov 5
Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
Election Day
Weds, Nov 6
Late Start for K-12, but not for preschool.
Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
Thurs, Nov 7
Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
A message from the Secretary, Stacey Petering, [email protected]
We are excited to announce that individual picture retakes for our preschool students will take place on Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024. This is a great opportunity for any child who missed the original picture day, or if parents would like a new photo taken. If parents wish to have Their child’s photo retaken, please notify the teacher, so we can ensure they are included. We want to make sure every family has a picture they love, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of this chance! The office has extra order forms if needed, so stop by and pick one up, on Monday – Friday between 8 am – 4:00 pm
Important Dates at Spark! Nov 11- Nov 15, 2024
Mon, Nov 11
Big Idea of Early Mathematics Math focus: Counting
STEM profile of the Month: Enthusiastic
STEM Unit 2- week long
- Danielle H. and Amy N.- Expressing Ourselves through Art
- Noreen R. and Kaylee C.- People and Places in my Community
- Tori M., Kiersten P., and Marie B.- Making Music
- Kelli W., Miranda B., and Polly J.- Simple Machines – a study in Motion
All week our counselor, Ms. Sandy, will be conducting whole-group lessons on Friendship Skills/Playing with Others
Monday, Nov 11
Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
Veteran’s Day
Tue, Nov 12
Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
Wed, Nov 13
Volunteer Training – 8:30 – 10 am- Cafeteria with Paige
Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
Thurs, Nov 14
Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
Fri, Nov 15
Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
Leadership St. Vrain Now Accepting Applications
Leadership St. Vrain is a program designed to provide parents and other community members the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of our district’s mission, operations and strategic priorities. The program is especially beneficial for those who want to obtain a foundation in district operations and governance and become more active participants in St. Vrain Valley Schools. Click here to learn more and apply. All meetings will be held in-person and rotate locations each month. Meetings will run from 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. on the dates listed below:
Friday, December 13: Advancing Learning through Technology
Location: Skyline High School
Friday, January 17: Elevating the Teaching Profession
Location: Silver Creek High School
Friday, February 7: The Success of All Students; Special Education & Student Services
Location: Mead High School
Friday, March 7: Student Engagement and School Culture
Location: Niwot High School
Friday, April 11: Operational Excellence
Location: Longmont High School
Friday, May 9: The St. Vrain Advantage
Location: Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools
A message from our Campus Supervisor, Alicia Sheahan-Hall, [email protected]
If there are safety concerns, contact our Campus Supervisor, Alicia Hall, at [email protected].
A message from our Health Clerk, Amanda Rivera [email protected]
Hello Spark families! Colorado seasons change quickly, and we are still very dry. For some children cold and dry weather makes eczema flare up. If a student is in need of anything to alleviate symptoms, like lotion or cream, please contact me before sending anything with the child. We need to have a specific form on file that must be signed by a physician before we can use anything at school; we can help get the forms completed to decrease symptoms. Please contact our health clerk Amanda Rivera ([email protected]) if there are any questions or concerns.
A message from our Attendance Clerk / Registrar, Amy Yanez [email protected]
Happy November! If a child’s going to be late/absent for the day, calling in your child’s absences by 8 AM reduces the amount of time it takes for staff to call each family individually.
As the holidays are quickly approaching. Please remember to let our attendance clerk, Amy Yanez, know so that the students attendance can get entered into Infinite Campus accurately. This helps us to account for 100% of our students each day.
Check us out here!
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