A Message from Our Principal, Paige Gordon
Dear Spark! Families: I wanted to let you know about several resources we have available in our FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER, located across from the front office. Please help us by sharing that we are collecting by sharing our social media posts going up soon, so we can get the word out to our local community.

1) COATS: The season has changed, and we can work together to provide our students with the gear they need. Kids grow so fast and wear things for one season mostly. Just inside the door shown above, and to the right as people come in from outside, are donations of coats and boots for families to help themselves to without any interference from staff. If you need something, please take it; if you have something to donate (gently used), please drop it at the office and we will run it through the washer/dryer and put it out for the taking. It makes sense to circulate these types of items as they are costly, used for a short time, and can be re-used. Please help us by sharing that we are collecting by sharing our social media posts going up soon, so we can get the word out to our local community.
2) BIRTHDAY IN A BAG KIT: Our Birthday in a Bag Kits have supplies for hosting a small birthday party for a child at home. There’s cake mix, oil for the mix, decorations, party favors, a birthday card, and a birthday headband for the child having the birthday! We want every family to have access to what they need to celebrate a birthday. There’s no need to ask for a bag. Families who need one can take one on their way out to the car. Thank you to Spark! Discovery PTO for putting these together.

3) Blue Boxes of Nutri-grain Bars — In the blue boxes are a dozen Nutri-grain breakfast bars for any families struggling to feed their children breakfast. There’s no need to ask — families who need a box can take one on their way out to the car. Thanks to Wendi (our RN) and Alicia (our health clerk) who have secured a local, individual, donor, who we can continue to reach out to for refills.

4) Colorado Feeding Families FOOD KITS — The white boxes contain food items and are sponsored by Colorado Feeding Kids, an all-volunteer non-profit organization whose mission is to provide nutritious food to people in Colorado. The box contains mac-and-cheese mix, rice and beans mix, a few fruit snacks, and minestrone soup mix. There’s no need to ask — families who need food can take however many boxes they need on their way out to the car. Thanks to teacher, Mary Stivison, for securing this resource for families.

5) LENDING LIBRARY: In the fall of 2022, we installed our lending library with the goal of getting books in the hands of students in the home environment, and we are currently seeking book donations of gently used children’s books to stock and restock this lending library, located at the front, green over-hang at the front entrance of the school. Please feel free to take books from here to build a collection at home for your child(ren). Also please drop off any unwanted books to the front office, where we will do intake, and get them out so students can have more books at home.

6) TOILETRIES: We are also collecting any unused toiletries — shampoo and conditioner samples, bar soap, tooth brushes, tooth paste, lotion, floss, deodorant, etc. For anyone finished with diapering, we are looking for any unused diapers for give-away in this area too. We have some of these items currently for the taking in our Family Resource Center too.

7) FAMILY GAMES ON LOAN: Just inside the front doors of school, in our family resource center, are family games for check out and play at home. They should be checked back in and another one can be checked out in its place! Thanks PTO: Spark Discovery Preschool of St.Vrain for helping to sponsor this family engagement strategy!

MENUs for October 2023:
Here are links to the October menus, which are available online through the SVVSD nutrition services website (click “view school menus” and make sure to change the dial at the top to our school):
PK AM Snack schedule – October (change the month to October)
Lunch Menu – October (click the “Lunch” tab)
PK PM Snack Schedule – October (change the month to October)
Universal Preschool has no deadline and we still have Monday through Thursday half-day seats available and ready to fill! Sign up here –>>> Share this newsletter with a friend!
With respect – Paige Gordon, Principal
23-24 Digital Behavioral Code Books: Thank you for your partnership and supporting the academic growth, safety, and well-being of our students. Every year, St. Vrain Valley Schools prints an up-to-date version of the Code of Conduct for students and families to review. This important document guides students and school staff on what expectations for school conduct and the consequences for behaviors that fall outside of those expectations. It is important that families review this information every year and acknowledge their receipt and understanding of this document. To this end, please click here to access an electronic version of the Code of Conduct for the current school year. After you have reviewed this information, all families must sign an electronic acknowledgement that they have received, read, and understand the information contained, including the Annual Notification to Parents/Guardians; Behavioral Code of Conduct; Rights and Responsibilities of Students and Parents; and Board of Education Policies book. To sign your electronic acknowledgement, please follow the steps described here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office at 720-652-7906 and ask for Amy, registrar/attendance clerk.
COMMUNITY RESOURCES: Please read more about community resources on our website, including: child development, child nutrition and physical activity practices, Food bank, Health Resources, and Mental Health.
PTO SPIRIT WEAR STORE IS OPEN SEPT 1 – 15: The PTO is sponsoring a spirit wear store where families can purchase school gear for kids and adults. The store will be open from Sept 1 – 15, and payment is electronically. Items will ship about 2 weeks later, and the PTO will sort and get orders to classroom teachers, who will send items home. LOG IN HERE TO ORDER!
Important Dates
Sept 18 – 22, 2023
- All week: Mathematical focus on SETS, SORTING, and matching
- All week: STEM PROFILE OF THE MONTH: Respectful
- All week: Fundations letter and letter sound learning: Ee, FF
- STEM UNITS: Sept 5 – Oct 6
- Ooh-aah Science: Mary, Marie, and Kelli
- Life Cycles of Animals: Julia and Moira
- Moving and Grooving: Dance/Fitness: Norreen and Kaylee
- Transportation: Kiersten and Tori
- Drama and Theater: Blair, Miranda, and Amy
- ALL WEEK Sept 18 – 21 — SPIRIT WEEK!
- Mon, 9-18-23 – DRESS YOURSELF DAY
- Tues, 9-19-23 – Favorite color day by class: Ms Mary = Red // Ms. Blair = Orange // Ms. Kelli = Green // Ms. Tori = Blue // Ms. Miranda = Yellow // Ms. Marie = Black // Ms. Julia = Gray // Ms. Kiersten = Tan // Ms. Moira = Pink // Ms. Amy = Purple // Ms. Noreen = Aqua // Ms. Kaylee = Brown
- Wed, 9-20-23 – Character Day (staff can participate too!) — Could be superheroes, TV shows, princesses, book characters, community helpers, etc. No masks / no weapons (fake or real)
- Thurs, 9-21-23 – Crazy Hair Day!
- Sept 7- Sept 27 — Positive Behavior and Intervention supports (PBIS) — with PARACHUTE PARTY on Thursday, Sept 28, if the class earned enough STAR POWER recognition for being awesome.
- Mon, Sept 18, 4:45 – 5:30 pm – Families Moving Together, with Ms. Mimi in the gym — reservations with Ms. Mimi are required. Thanks PTO! for sponsoring these classes for families at no cost to families!
- Fri, Sept 15 – 29 – PTO Believe fundraiser — more info coming from PTO
- Wed, Sept 20: General Health Appraisal forms are due for all new students (see note from Ms. Amanda below)
- Volunteer training Thursday, Sept 21, 4:30 – 6:00 pm- cafeteria — please use the previously sent form to make a reservation
- Thurs, Sept 21 — 6:00 – 7:30 pm Parent-Teacher Organization Meeting in the cafeteria
Sept 25 – 29, 2023
- All week: Mathematical focus on SETS and SORTING
- All week: STEM PROFILE OF THE MONTH: Respectful
- All week: Fundations letter and letter sound learning: Gg, Hh
- STEM UNITS: Sept 5 – Oct 6
- Ooh-aah Science: Mary, Marie, and Kelli
- Life Cycles of Animals: Julia and Moira
- Moving and Grooving: Dance/Fitness: Norreen and Kaylee
- Transportation: Kiersten and Tori
- Drama and Theater: Blair, Miranda, and Amy
- Sept 7- Sept 27 — Positive Behavior and Intervention supports (PBIS) — with PARACHUTE PARTY on Thursday, Sept 28, if the class earned enough STAR POWER T recognition for being awesome.
- Fri, Sept 15 – 29 – PTO Believe fundraiser — more info coming from PTO
- Mon, 9-25-23 – Deadline for signing up for family/teacher conferences through “Meet the Teacher” (see previous communication).
- Mon, Sept 25, 4:45 – 5:30 pm – Families Moving Together, with Ms. Mimi in the gym — reservations with Ms. Mimi are required. Thanks PTO! for sponsoring these classes for families at no cost to families!
- Tues, Sept 26 – Family / Teacher conferences, 3:30pm – 7:30 pm. Thank. you to PTO for sponsoring dinner for our teaching and office staff!
- Thurs, Sept 28 – Family / Teacher conferences, 3:30pm – 7:30 pm. Thank. you to PTO for sponsoring dinner for our teaching and office staff!
- Thurs, Sept 28: PBIS Reward Day: Parachute activities (see info from your child’s teacher)
Superintendent’s Town Hall Meeting– Monday, September 25, 5:30 -7:00 p.m. at Frederick High School. St. Vrain Valley Schools invites parents, teachers, staff, and community members to join Superintendent, Dr. Don Haddad, for one of our upcoming Superintendent Town Hall meetings. These annual open forums in each of our geographic areas provide an opportunity for Dr. Haddad and other district leaders to listen to our community’s questions and suggestions, share our many successes, and discuss our bold vision for continuing to build new schools as our student enrollment continues to climb.
Come participate in the Miners Day Parade with us on Saturday, September 16, 2023, at 10:00 am with your child(ren) and family! This community event, sponsored by the Town of Frederick, is a terrific tradition we participate in annually, and it is a great way for us to pull together to show school and community spirit! All Spark! families and staff are invited to join us on a parade route the morning of the parade. The parade route starts at Aspen Drive and Tipple Parkway. Park as close to Aspen Dr and Tipple Pkwy as allowable around 9:30 am, and then locate the Spark! Discovery Preschool team at the parade staging area. The parade will start promptly at 10:00 am, and then head west on Tipple Parkway, then turn south on Oak Street to Fifth Street. Then the parade will turn east on Fifth Street to Locust Street. Finally, the parade will turn south on Locust Street and end at Centennial Park (630 Eighth Street) — directly South of the school.
Our school theme this year is We Grow Together so the kids should be dressed in a garden theme wearing butterfly, flower, and bee, etc shirts/costumes.
After and before the parade there is a day-long Miners Day festival just to the south of our school at Centennial Park. Here are some important links with more general information regarding the events going on that day: Town of Frederick’s information page about Miners Day 2023 (includes a day-long schedule and parade route).
It is important to note that all children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult family member / guardian for the whole time they are participating in the parade. We will be walking the parade route, which may become long for younger children, depending on the child. If families want to
bring a wagon / stroller to pull or push children along the parade route, that would be great too. As a reminder, animals are not allowed to tag-along with our group.For each participating family, we will must have a family waiver signed. Please bring this waiver with you to the parade.
Join us for an awesome experience for our preschoolers and spend some time together outside of school. We appreciate your support and look forward to Miner’s Day 2023! Questions? Email us at [email protected]
With respect — Your Spark! Discovery PTO
Volunteer Training — required for all volunteers: We have a strong tradition of parent/family involvement, and we will be offering volunteer opportunities in the classroom again this year. All volunteers must attend a required 90 minute training with the principal to be eligible for volunteering in the classroom (training is required due to preschool rules and regulations). Training dates for volunteers so far include (updated since originally published):
Thursday, Sept 21, 4:30 – 6:00 pm- cafeteria
Wednesday, Oct 11, 5:00 – 6:45 pm – cafeteria
A form was sent out via email to sign up for training on 9/5/23. Please RSVP on the electronic form.
St. Vrain Parent University. St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. Parent University partners with internal district departments, academic institutions, community organizations, and other agencies to equip families with additional skills, knowledge, and resources. All events are from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Please note, sessions vary from in-person and virtual. Spanish interpretation will be available at every session and childcare will be available at every in-person session. To assist with planning, families are asked to sign up for sessions they plan to attend.
- October 5, 2023 | “It’s Going to be Okay…I Promise” – Parenting and the Myths of Certainty and Control (presented by Jenny Hecht) – Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools, 33 Quail Rd. Longmont, CO 80504
- October 24, 2023 | How to be the Lighthouse in the Storm – How to communicate with your kids (presented by Karen Alonge / Lighthouse) – Virtual via Zoom (link will be available closer to date)
Leadership St. Vrain: Leadership St. Vrain is a program designed to provide parents and other community members the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of our district’s mission, operations and strategic priorities. The program is especially beneficial for those who want to obtain a foundation in district operations and governance and become more active participants in St. Vrain Valley Schools. Spots are limited and only two representatives are allowed per school. If you are interested in joining Leadership St. Vrain or learning more, please visit https://www.svvsd.org/about/district-committees/leadership-st-vrain/ and complete the form or reach out directly to Principal, Paige Gordon, at [email protected]
A message from the Spark! Attendance Clerk, Amy Yanez:
October Count determines the official enrollment numbers that the state uses to set school funding. This year’s official October count is Monday, October 2, 20223. For the next two weeks, Spark! Discovery Preschool attendance will be monitored very closely so that the exact number of students attending each day can be determined. This culminates on Monday, October 2nd, when we will count the number of students in the school at a specific time of the day. These attendance measurements are then used to calculate the many needs of the school and school district. Funding for important programs are based on the “October Count” including the number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) teaching positions we have.
If it is at all possible we ask that you have your child attend school during this period if they are well enough to do so, particularly on October 2nd. Please keep this in mind as you make appointments for your children in the upcoming days
A message from the Spark! Health Clerk, Amanda Rivera:
A General Health Appraisal Form (GHAF) must be updated every year for Preschool aged students within the first 30 days of school – this means that if a student starts school on the first day of school, the GHAF is due by Tuesday, September 19, 2023. These forms are required by Colorado state licensing and must be signed by a physician. Please help us keep your child’s file up to date and renew your child’s General Health Appraisal.
Medical Conditions: If a student has a medical condition which requires the administration of medication while at school, additional forms must be completed by a student’s physician prior to the start of school and unexpired medication must be provided.(Ex: inhalers, Epi-Pens, diaper rash cream etc.). Please email our Health Clerk, Amanda Rivera at [email protected] or give her a call at our main number, so she can help get an Individual Health Plan in the works, should it be needed.
How Sick is Too Sick?
Classes are in full swing and we love having students attend school. Now that the seasons are changing and illnesses are spreading I want to let parents know when it is and is not acceptable to send your child to school if they are ill. Our school follows the Colorado Department of Public Health guidelines on “How Sick is Too Sick?” These guidelines are set in place for the safety of all students and staff.
According to the guidelines there are 4 main reasons a child or adult should stay home.
1. The child or staff member could infect others with a contagious illness, either
because of symptoms, a diagnosis, or recent exposure to a contagious illness.
2. The child or staff member does not feel well enough to take part in usual
activities. For example, a child is overly tired, fussy, or will not stop crying.
3. A child needs more care than teachers and staff can give while still caring for the other children.
4. The child or staff member has symptoms or an illness on this list, and staying home is required: Severe Cough, Diarrhea, Fever of 100.4 degree or higher, Flu-like symptoms, and/orVomiting
If your child must stay home, please do not send them back until they have been symptom free for 24 hours without medication intervention (such as Tylenol or Asprin). If you have any questions please feel free to contact Amanda Rivera.
A message from the Spark! Campus Supervisor, Alicia Hall
At Spark! Discovery Preschool we take safety and security seriously and want to ensure that every student can learn and grow in a nurturing and safe place.
Students will go outside for gross motor play as long as the weather is above 20’F (taking into consideration wind chill) and below 90’F. Even in the winter months we will go outside. Please make sure your student has proper clothing for outside play. Jackets, boots, Hats and Mittens/Gloves are needed during the winter months, if you, as the parent, determine they are . If you are in need of a winter jacket or other items for your student please visit our community resource room.
If you have new or gently used winter jackets in the sizes of 3t-6t, or new or gently used beanies/gloves/show boots we are always looking for donations for our community resource room. All donations are washed by Spark! prior to going into the community resource room.
If you as a parent see a safety concern please reach out to our Campus Supervisor, Alicia Hall @ [email protected]. She will be sure to address your concerns as soon as possible.
A message from the Spark! School Secretary, Stacey Petering
Please turn in the tuition agreement forms. Teachers passed these out last week or they were put in the Thursday folders. If you need a new form please email Stacey at [email protected]
Tuition was due on September 11, 2023. The first late fee will be assessed to the account for the amount of $10.00 on Sept 12, 2023. Thereafter, the late fee will increase to $20.00 per late payment. The full amount of tuition is due by the last day of September in order for your child to attend in October.
Tuition for October will be due on October 1st, 2022. After October 5th, late fees will be assessed to the account.