A Message from the school Principal, Paige Gordon
Dear Families – I want to take a moment to explain our policies and procedures regarding diapering / Toilet assists in Preschool at our school.
For typically developing children: Typically developing children are expected to be potty trained before starting school. We understand that accidents will sometimes occur when students are this age. In the event of a toileting accident, we will help the child change their clothes and the soiled clothing will be sent home with the child in a bag or container. Staff will not send home soiled clothes in the backpack in a plastic bag because the bag is a suffocation hazard to small children; if a plastic bag is used, it will be kept out of reach of children and handed directly to the responsible adult at pick up. If a container is used, please return the container to the classroom. It is not our practice to rinse out soiled clothing at school because our first priority is to attend to the child. For all families, please provide extra clothing daily in case of accidents, to be kept in their backpack (unless the child has identified special needs). Please do not keep these in a plastic bag due to the suffocation hazard. If no clothes are provided, we have a supply of clothing for emergencies. Please return the borrowed clothing to school after being washed so they can be reused for the next child who needs them.
For children with identified special needs: Potty training is an opportunity for families and staff at our school to partner and work together. In accordance with non-discriminatory laws and policies (Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), children with identified disabilities will not be excluded from District preschools due to the need for potty training. Diapers or pull ups, along with wipes, must be provided by the parents/guardians, and will be ear-marked in a plastic bin for the specific child. Teachers will reach out to parents/guardians when supplies are running low. Our staff, in collaboration with families, are often able to help make progress toward or are successful in the completion of potty training before students transition to kindergarten. Also, no children can be excluded from kindergarten due to potty training needs.
Procedural information: Children in diapers, including those in pull-ups, are checked at least every two hours, and more frequently if needed – whenever the child indicates discomfort or exhibits behavior that suggests a soiled or wet diaper. The child is changed when found to be wet or soiled. When children are napping or resting, they will be checked after the completion of nap time in order to preserve nap or rest time. If a student is refusing to be changed, staff will use positive behavior strategies to support them, and parents are notified of any challenges by classroom staff. Procedurally, diapering and toilet assists will be conducted according to state health department and child care licensing standards using hygienic procedures. If children need creams or ointments to be used during the diapering process, a “Permission to Medicate” form must be completed by a medical professional and on file in our school’s office in order for staff to apply them on children.
Our diapering procedures also include the following safeguards and documentation for the protection of our staff and students: a) Two staff members (one as a witness and one conducting diapering/toilet assists) will be involved, and b) a diapering/toilet assist log is completed and signed off by both (caregiver and witness) staff members involved stating the child’s name, time, date and type of change. If a child is checked and found to be dry and unsoiled, this is documented as well.
Why Families Can “Find a Home” for ALL Children at Spark!
Looking for preschool for this school year or next? We have room in both — and you might “Find a HOME” at Spark too! Read more about our amazing school, with this testimonial from one of our families. ❤️💛🖤 https://sdpk.svvsd.org/2024/03/07/finding-a-home-at-spark-discovery-preschool/
Enrich Your Child’s Early Education Pathway: Pre-K Wraparound Care Registration Open for 2024-2025
Discover St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Wraparound Pre-K Care, extending the preschool experience for children ages 3 to 5 across six district schools. With highly qualified staff working alongside preschool teachers, children receive a full day of learning and enrichment in a safe and nurturing environment that celebrates their unique abilities and personality. Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. Click to learn more about this nurturing program!
Learn more about Pre-K Wraparound Care
Temporary Change in Personnel in the Front Office:
For the next 5-6 weeks, Stacey Petering, our school secretary, will be away from her desk. She will not be answering communications via phone or email during this period. Please call 720-652-7906 and talk with the front office staff to get help with any issues normally handled by Stacey (tuition, picture questions, tours, etc.) by calling 720-652-7906. We’ll let you know when she returns.
________________________________________________________________________________Class & Individual Picture info for 3/27/24
Here ‘s information originally emailed on 3/12/24 to parents about individual and group pictures on Wed, March 27, 2024 with the schedule, LINKED HERE.
Mar 25-29, 2024 – IMPORTANT DATES
- All week: Big Ideas of Early Mathematics: Data Analysis
- All week: STEM PROFILE OF THE MONTH: Cooperative
- All week: Fundations- z, q
- STEM UNITS: Unit 5 will start April 8 across all the preschool rooms
- WED, March 27 – Group and Individual picture day – school wide, all day (See info above)
- Thurs, March 28 – Parents / Staff / Families need to pick up their butter braid orders form the PTO at 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. Students in childcare at the end of the day will get them from childcare staff.
- Thursday – March 28 – 3:30 – 5:00 pm – ART SHOW and BOOK EXCHANGE- rescheduled from inclement weather before spring break.
- Thursday, March 28 – 6:00 pm – Parent-Teacher Organization meeting in the cafeteria; childcare provided by the PTO. We will be discussing the CARNIVAL and PTO teacher grants.
- Friday, March 29 – 8:00 am – 1:00 pm – Art show – self guided family visits
A Message from the Community Schools Manager, Tasha Lugg, [email protected]
About Childcare at Spark!
Community Schools provides a nurturing, caring, educational and fun filled childcare program, under the direction of St. Vrain Valley School District in partnership with the school. All of our Child Care programs are licensed through the Colorado Department of Human Services. At Spark! Discovery Preschool, we offer a Pre-K Care program for 3 and 4 year old. For program details reach out to Tasha Lugg, Program Manager, at [email protected] or 720-652-7908 or contact the Community Schools central office at 303-702-7924.
Pre-K Care Fees:
- $40 per day if enrolled in SVVSD Preschool
- $50 per day if not enrolled in SVVSD Preschool
- All students must attend two days a week minimum
How to register for Pre-K Care Wraparound at Spark! 2024-2025
Go to: https://stvrain.revtrak.net/
Login or make a new account if you are a new family to SVVSD or Community Schools.
Find CS Spark! Discovery Preschool
Click on Pre-K Care Program
Click on 24-25 Spark! Pre-K Care. Make sure it is for the ‘24-’25 school year
Please pay attention to prompts asking for the parent name or the child’s name. This will save families/parents from re-doing their child’s registration paperwork.
Registration opens Tuesday, February 6th, 20024 at 9:00 am.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Tasha Lugg, Program Manager, at [email protected] or 720-652-7908.
Summer Camps – Pre-K Summer Childcare
- K-5 Camps Open 7am – 6pm
- Pre-K Camps Open 7am – 5:30pm
- For more details on SVVSD camps, visit our website.
- Click here to be linked to the Community Schools website.
- Camp dates: June 3 – August 2, 2024 (closed 7/4/24 & 7/5/24)
- Registration fees: $50 for individuals, $75 family (nonrefundable)
- Daily Cost: $50 per day per child
- Pre-K Camps
- Open 7am – 5:30pm
- Accepting 3, 4 & 5 year old
- Legacy Pre-K
- Mountain View Pre-K
- Questions? Call Tasha Lugg at 720-652-7908, at Spark!
SVVSD Nutrition Services- Lunch and Snack Menu- https://linqconnect.com/public/menu/DCN3CB?buildingId=482fe7e5-3406-ee11-a17a-83fe6e630216
We invite our families to join us on social media and on the web:
Facebook: Spark-Discovery-Preschool-of-St-Vrain
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sparkdiscoverypreschool/
Twitter: @SparkDPS
Website: https://sdpk.svvsd.org/