Good morning! Our school is participating in the SVVSD art show being held at the Boulder County Fairgrounds from April 16 – 21, 2024, for the first time.
- Public Viewing: Tuesday, April 16 through Saturday, April 20 from 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 21 from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Free and open to the public.
- Artists’ Night Open House: Thursday, April 18 from 5:00-6:30 p.m. This is for students whose work is in the show!! Your child’s teacher reached out last week via email if their art was selected for the art show.
- More info: Please join us at the Boulder County Fairgrounds Exhibition Hall from April 16-21 for the public viewing of artworks from all grade levels and schools across the St. Vrain Valley. Different mediums will be featured including ceramics, digital art/photography, drawing, jewelry making, metalwork, mixed media, painting, and printmaking. Learn More and See Where the Winning Artworks will Publish
We held our first school-based art show in March of 2023, and after such an enriching and successful event, after our school-based art show in March of 2024, are participating in the show the district conducts annually. Our booth/area will be near the Frederick High School Feeder, alongside the other K-12 schools.
Thank you – Paige Gordon
Teacher of the Year Finalists for Spark! ’23-24
The Tribute To Teachers, an awards program, sponsored by the St. Vrain Valley Schools Education Foundation, provides the opportunity for students, parents, volunteers, fellow educators, school staff, community members and business partners to recognize and honor individual teachers at the Pre-K – 12th grade levels in the St. Vrain Valley Schools who exemplify excellence in teaching. By paying tribute to teachers who have an extraordinary impact on the achievements of students, the Education Foundation and the community hope to honor the accomplishments of all teachers. One teacher from each St. Vrain Valley School will receive the Teacher of the Year recognition for their school. Other teachers from each school will be honored as Teacher of the Year finalists. The recipients and finalists all receive a certificate of recognition during the Tribute to Teachers event on Saturday, April 20, 2024. From the school Teacher of the Year honorees, a district wide Teacher of the Year and four finalists will be chosen. Our finalists this year are…

We are gearing up for spring activities in our outdoor garden. We’ve ordered a lot of additional dirt, as there was settling, to be delivered at the beginning of May. We appreciate the PTO, who has paid for the fill dirt. We are having a garden party on the morning of Saturday May 4 starting at 8 am with the purpose of adding additional dirt to the garden bins, cleaning up from fall, etc. More info coming!
Enrich Your Child’s Early Education Pathway: Pre-K Wraparound Care Registration Open for 2024-2025
Discover St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Wraparound Pre-K Care, extending the preschool experience for children ages 3 to 5 across six district schools. With highly qualified staff working alongside preschool teachers, children receive a full day of learning and enrichment in a safe and nurturing environment that celebrates their unique abilities and personality. Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. Click to learn more about this nurturing program! Learn more about Pre-K Wraparound Care Contact: Tasha Lugg at [email protected] or at 720-652-7908.
Apr 15 – 19, 2024 – IMPORTANT DATES
- All week: Big Ideas of Early Mathematics: Spatial Awareness
- All week: STEM PROFILE OF THE MONTH: Open Minded
- All week: Fundations (letter / letter sound focus): Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll
- STEM UNITS: #5 for 2023-2024
- Drama/Theater: Ms. Mary, Ms. Marie, and Ms.Kelli
- Oh-Ah Science: Ms. Julia and Ms. Moira
- Transportation: Ms. Kaylee and Ms. Noreen
- LIfe cycles of Animals: Ms. Kiersten and Ms. Tori
- Dance / Fitness: Ms. Blair, Ms. Miranda, and Ms. Amy
- Tues, April 16 – SVVSD Art Show (See above)
- Tues, April 16 – WIDA assessments for some students who speak a language other than English AND who will attend Kindergarten next year.
- Tues, April 16 – Hearing and Vision Re-checks for some students
- Wed, April 17 – SVVSD Art Show (See above)
- Wed, April 17 – WIDA assessments for some students who speak a language other than English AND who will attend Kindergarten next year.
- Wed, April 17 – Farm to School programming for students in these classes: Ms. Amy, Ms. Kiersten, Ms. Noreen, Ms. Kaylee
- Wed, April 17: Ms. Mimi – dance/theater teacher — will visit Ms. Kelli, Ms. Marie, and Ms. Mary’s classrooms
- Thurs, April 18 – Class pictures come home in Thursday folders
- Thurs, April 18 – SVVSD Art Show (See above)
- Thurs, April 18 – WIDA assessments for some students who speak a language other than English AND who will attend Kindergarten next year.
- Fri, April 19 – SVVSD Art Show (See above)
- ____________________________________________________________________________
Apr 22 – 26, 2024 – IMPORTANT DATES
- All week: Big Ideas of Early Mathematics: Spatial Awareness
- All week: STEM PROFILE OF THE MONTH: Open Minded
- All week: Fundations (letter / letter sound focus): Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll
- STEM UNITS: #5 for 2023-2024
- Drama/Theater: Ms. Mary, Ms. Marie, and Ms.Kelli
- Oh-Ah Science: Ms. Julia and Ms. Moira
- Transportation: Ms. Kaylee and Ms. Noreen
- LIfe cycles of Animals: Ms. Kiersten and Ms. Tori
- Dance / Fitness: Ms. Blair, Ms. Miranda, and Ms. Amy
- Mon, April 22 – Earth Day
- Tues, April 23 – 8:30 am – School Tour
- Thurs, April 25 – Student Choice PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Reward day — Varies by teacher. Reach out to your child’s teacher for details about your child’s class.
- Thurs, April 25 – Enrichment class – Stuff an Animal (in the Makerspace) – reach out to Tasha Lugg with questions ([email protected]).
- Thurs, April 25 – 6:00 – 7:30 pm – PTO meeting – Cafeteria
- Fri, April 26: Childcare is closed
A Message from the Community Schools Manager, Tasha Lugg, [email protected]
Summer Camps – Pre-K Summer Childcare
- K-5 Camps Open 7am – 6pm
- Pre-K Camps Open 7am – 5:30pm
- For more details on SVVSD camps, visit our website.
- Click here to be linked to the Community Schools website.
- Camp dates: June 3 – August 2, 2024 (closed 7/4/24 & 7/5/24)
- Registration fees: $50 for individuals, $75 family (nonrefundable)
- Daily Cost: $50 per day per child
- Pre-K Camps
- Open 7am – 5:30pm
- Accepting 3, 4 & 5 year old
- Legacy Pre-K
- Mountain View Pre-K
- Questions? Call Tasha Lugg at 720-652-7908, at Spark!
A message from our Campus Supervisor, Alicia Sheahan Hall–[email protected].
Around the school we have several retaining walls, cinder block walls, large rocks, and concrete walls. While these can seem like amazing and adventurous things for students to walk and climb on, they can also be dangerous. Many of these types of walls get icy in the winter, have rocks that move, and some are in the process of being repaired. Please help us keep your child safe and remind them that these areas are off limits.
A message from the Spark! Registrar/Attendance clerk, [email protected]
– Please remember that if you are picking your child up early, please sign your child out in the office in the red notebook.
– If you have changed your phone number or email address please let someone in the front office know. If there is an emergency we need to be able to reach you.
– If you are new to the Spark family please remember that a brief orientation along with additional paperwork needs to be completed before your child can start Preschool.
A message from the Spark! Health Clerk, Amanda Rivera, rivera_aman[email protected]
Just a reminder that Hearing and Vision rechecks will be held April 16th. This is a non-invasive and non intrusive process that is performed by licensed staff. If our screening indicates that your student needs further evaluation, you will be notified by mail. Please contact Amanda Rivera if you have questions or concerns.
SVVSD Nutrition Services- Lunch and Snack Menu- https://linqconnect.com/public/menu/DCN3CB?buildingId=482fe7e5-3406-ee11-a17a-83fe6e630216
We invite our families to join us on social media and on the web:
Facebook: Spark-Discovery-Preschool-of-St-Vrain
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sparkdiscoverypreschool/
Twitter: @SparkDPS
Website: https://sdpk.svvsd.org/