Ms. Piper’s Update 11-30-18

Ms. Piper’s Class Newsletter 11-30-18

Hello, preschool families! We hope this message finds you well. This is the classroom update for the months of November and December.

What We’re Learning

We have completed our second STEM Unit, Buildings, and begun our third unit: Music! In this unit, we will explore sounds, rhythm, tempo, and musical instruments. So far, the children have enjoyed experimenting with and exploring sound, new instruments, and music on CD.

In literacy, the children have been practicing recognizing their names as well as their classmates’ names, writing uppercase letters, and letter sounds. The next few weeks will bring more activities involving rhyme and beginning letter sounds.

In math, we have been working on number order and counting strategies (what number comes after 3? Before 10?), identifying and counting 1-10 (and occasionally up to 20!), and measuring objects. Over the next few weeks we will dive into shapes and patterns.

In the next week, we will be doing a whole-class lesson about body safety. This will be a simple lesson explaining that we all have private parts, the parts covered by our swimsuits, and that we do not touch each other’s private parts at school. Additionally, we want every child to know that they are the “boss of their body,” meaning they have the right to tell others not to touch them. This lesson will not be at all graphic or even particularly detailed, but if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Thursday Folders

Please be sure to check and return your child’s Thursday Folder every week. It is our main tool for passing information back and forth between home and classroom. Thank you!

Family Photos

Thank you to everyone who has sent a family photo for our wall! If you have not, please send one (either printed or by email) if you can, so we can put it up for your child to look at and tell us about!

Outdoor Clothing

We go outside on most days, even in the winter (unless certain conditions exist). Please make sure your child has adequate clothing, shoes, and outdoor gear (hat, gloves, coat) every day. If your family needs help providing these items, please contact me or our front office and we will make sure your child has what he or she needs.

Important Dates

o   Thurs, Dec 6, 6:00-7:30 pm–General PTO meeting – cafeteria

o   Thurs, Dec 13–PJ Day–$1.00 PTO donation for children to wear PJs for the day

o   Thurs, Dec 20—Family Engagement—Join us for crafts and food

AM Class 10:30-11:10

PM Class 2:25-3:05

More info to come!

o   Fri, Dec. 21 – Jan 6– Winter Break for students

Parent Volunteers

Please consider volunteering in our classroom or in the office! Volunteers must attend volunteer training offered by the school before starting to volunteer in preschool, due to licensing rules and regulations.

· Monday, August 13, from 4:00 – 5:30 pm -completed

· Friday, September 21 from 9 am – 10:30 am -completed

· Monday, October 22 from 4 – 5:30 pm-completed

· Friday, January 18th from 9 am – 10:30 am

· Tuesday, February 19 from 4:00 – 5:30 pm

· Friday, March 15 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm

Wish List

Our class is in need of the following items:

·      Washable liquid tempera paint—all colors

·      Play dough—all colors


Ms. Piper, Ms. Jen, and Ms. JJ

Spark! Discovery Preschool