Ms. Jess’s January 2016 Newsletter

December’s Learning: This month our focus was on the letters Dd, Pp, and Bb. Our math focus was numbers 1-5 and number operations including sets, how many, and more/less. When we return from break we will be finishing up our STEM unit Pets.

Winter Break:December 18-January 1, and School Resumes: January 4, 2016

Curriculum Focus:  After we wrap-up our STEM Pets unit we will begin a new STEM unit focusing on Weather. We will focus on the letters Rr, Kk, and Aa. Our big idea for mathematics is patterns. This includes simple repeating patterns such as ABAB (example red, blue, red, blue) and also patterns in every day life (example: noticing when the clean up song comes on every day we clean up toys or noticing the directional changes of a tile pattern). You can help your child recognize patterns at home by pointing out different patterns on clothing, making patterns using blocks and other toys, or when eating snack creating patterns based on shape, color, or other attributes.

Makerspace:  Once a month our class is going to the makerspace in our building.  This is a space where students are able to create using various materials, explore items such as cubelets and beebots, and engage in sensory and exploratory play.

Important Dates

* January 11- All School Movement

*January 14th PTO sponsored Pajama day. Bring a dollar to donate.

*January 18-No School Martin Luther King Day

*January 21-Harvest of the Month Snack: Oranges


Spark! Discovery Preschool