Fall Conferences are Coming Soon!

Dear Spark! Families:  Parent – Teacher Conferences will be scheduled on Tuesday – Thursday, Oct 4, 5, and 6, 2016. Your child’s teacher will meet with you for a conference for 20 minutes. A form will come home for you to indicate dates and times that would be most convenient for your family.  We will do our best to arrange for a schedule that fits your needs. Please complete for each child and return to your child’s teacher by Monday, September 26, 2016.  If you have more than one child enrolled at Spark! Discovery Preschool, please complete a form for each of your children, as this will help teachers in their scheduling of appointments close to one another on the same night.  If you have dual households, please make every effort to schedule one conference, as it’s important to present a united front as parents with our children.  If for some reason it is better to have two separate conferences for a child, please indicate that as well. If you would like a translator, please indicate that on the form as well. To ensure that each family has a conference time, a time will be scheduled for you if the form is not returned by the deadline above. If these dates do not work for your family for some reason, please write contact your child’s teacher. 

It’s an exciting time to participate in your child’s education as a partner with the teacher and school, and here are some tips for a successful parent-teacher conference: 

Tip #1Think about what you want to find out in the conference by preparing some thoughts or questions such as:  How is my child doing? Has he/she made friends with others in the class?  What does he/she normally do during outdoor playtime?  What are her favorite things to do at school? What can I do at home to support what you are doing at school? What’s going well? What are the struggles?

Tip #2 – Begin the conference with a warm, friendly greeting.  Conferences are a time for both parents and teachers to share honestly and sincerely about how the student is doing.  If there are concerns, handle them tactfully together with teachers. 

Tip #3 – Listen and share—do them both.  Parents are experts on their children in the home; teachers have a different experience and setting and will also want to do some talking.  An ideal first conference would be 50/50 parent-to-teacher talking. Your child’s teacher has known your child for only a fraction of the time you have, so please give input.  Make sure you talk about what you notice at home, things impacting your child’s learning, successes, interests, etc. 

Tip #4 – Be Open.  Your child’s teacher is likely to make some suggestions of things to try in the home, and we both want to develop a successful student who is ready for kindergarten.  Let it be seen that you are willing to work together, that you do not expect the school to do all the work.  It takes a whole team working together for student success! 

Tip #5 – Take notes if you need to.  It’s fine to take notes if you need or want to.  Also make sure to ask any question if there’s something you don’t understand. 

Tip #6 – Avoid comparing.  Please do not compare your child to his/her siblings or with other children in the class.  We want to use that time to focus on your child – their strengths and areas of need.  Comparing them to others, especially in front of them, can hurt their feelings. 

Tip #7 – Stay on Schedule.  Please show up on time and end on time. Help the teacher keep on schedule because pushing conferences back 5 minutes impacts every conference after.  If you know the conference needs more time, ask to schedule another conference or to continue on the phone.  Let the teacher know that you appreciate their time, information, suggestions, and efforts on behalf of your child.

Tip #8 – Follow through.  Please follow-up with any plan that was agreed upon and let the teacher know how it is going.  

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