Ms. Tori’s Update 2-25-19

Hello Preschool Families!!  


We hope that you are enjoying your weekend!


A Week in Review:

·      We started our Music Unit. We talked about sounds. We learned that when we talk our voice box vibrates to produce the sounds. The sound waves then hit our ear drums and vibrates the bones in our middle to send the messages to our brains that we are hearing something. We also listened to the sounds in our classroom. We are going on a Listening Walk next week to see what sounds we hear around our school.

·      We worked on the number, 19. We counted 19 objects and practiced how to write the numeral 19.

·      We worked with letters, Hh and Kk. We talked about things that started with that letter and how to form that letter. We practiced saying the sound with Baby Echo. We also practiced writing the letters

·      We worked with the sight word, it. We practiced writing them, and reading it in a book.

·      We learned about the Rhombus. It is a shape that has four sides the same and no right angles or square corners.


What to Expect:

·       Letters:  Vv and Ww

·       Sight Word: is

·       The number: Twenty, 20

·       The color: Color Mixing – Orange

·       The shape: Oval

·       STEM Unit #5 – Music: What is rhythm and tempo and how does it affect the music? How does music make us feel?


Thank you for your support working with your preschooler at home really makes a differences!


Important Dates:

·      Feb. 19th– Mar. 22nd: STEM Unit 5: Music

·      Feb. 25th – Mar. 15th: Butter Braid Fundraiser

o   Order Forms will be coming home in Thursday Folders

o   This fundraiser will help to support buying sensory materials for the classrooms

·    Feb. 28th: Starpower Reward Party

o   Dance Party

·    March 10th: Daylight Savings Time

o   Clocks get set an hour ahead

·    March 15th: Volunteer Training

o   1:00pm – 2:00pm

·    March 21st: PJ Day

o   Please bring a $1 to support PTO

·    March 21st: Starpower Reward Party

·    March 25th – 29th: Spring Break


A reminder that as, the weather starts to get colder, Please make sure that your child comes with a coat / gloves / hat (please put their name on the inside tag) because we also value getting kids outside to play! If you child doesn’t know how to put on their coat or work their zippers, it’s something to start actively teaching and practicing. Now is also the time to “winterize” the 2nd set of clothes in your child’s backpack.  They also may have grown too.


School News/District News:

Community Resources:  We have information to connect families with local agencies regarding mental health, child nutrition, physical fitness, food bank, child find, medical and dental resources, in several locations:

1) In a notebook in the front office,

2) In our parent flyer stand at the front entrance

3) On our school website at

4) The black table at the front of the school also has activity packets for parents to take in English and Spanish (when possible)


Volunteering at Spark!:

We welcome parent, guardian, and grandparent volunteers and want you to be involved.  For preschool, it is required by licensing that volunteer training be offered and attended to volunteer in classrooms or the school.  This is a session where children over the age of 6 months should not be present. The next session for training, offered will be on Friday, March 15 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm

Speaking of volunteering, we are looking for an office squad of volunteers this school year to better assist our teachers in clerical ways (copying, laminating, stapling, sorting, etc).  Sometimes, children have a difficult time at this age having a family member volunteer in the classroom, as it can be difficult with separation, anxiety, or behaviors. If you’d like to volunteer but know the classroom will be a difficult space, we are looking for a volunteer in the office for each session of preschool in the AM and PM Monday through Thursday, for a total of eight dependable, reliable volunteers each week. This will help teachers across the school make the best use of their planning time during the week and on Fridays. We already have a volunteer on Monday and Wednesday mornings! Please consider assisting our staff in this manner if the idea of being in the classroom doesn’t appeal to you. The below training is required. If you are interested, please email me at [email protected].

·       Monday, August 13, from 4:00 – 5:30 pm -completed

·       Friday, September 21 from 9 am – 10:30 am – completed

·       Monday, October 22 from 4 – 5:30 pm – completed

·       Friday, January 18th from 9 am – 10:30 am – completed

·       Tuesday, February 19 from 4:00 – 5:30 pm – completed

·       Friday, March 15 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm


Please let me know if you have any questions.

Mrs. Tori and Ms. Julie Jennings (Ms. JJ)

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