Ms. Kiersten’s Update 8-16-19

Hi Families,

 What a great start to our year together!  First days are always rough but it was great getting to know your children.  I was able to take some pictures and will be uploading them to SeeSaw this weekend.  If you haven’t signed up for SeeSaw yet, please don’t wait!  If you’ve lost the code, please let me know so I can get you a new one. There are several items we need you to send in.  If you have any registration paperwork please bring it in.  Also, please send in a photo of your family – a printout of a digital photo works great!  We are needing to have your About My Child pages back as soon as possible.  Thank you! Next week we will be meeting the animal friends that are a part of Social Emotional Curriculum:  Twiggle (a turtle), Henrietta (a hedgehog), Duke (a dog), and Daphne (a duck).  These characters will be helping your children learn about important concepts such as identifying emotions, making friends, self esteem, and learning to think before acting.  Next week they will be teaching us about how to help in school and compliments.  We will also continue introducing the students to the various play centers in our classroom. Please let me know if you have any questions.  You can email me or call the school and I will try to respond within one school day if at all possible.   Thank you for sharing your child with us! Sincerely, Ms. Kiersten and Ms. Maria PS – One quick reminder:  Please be sure your child is not bringing in any dangerous items:  nuts (due to allergies) and plastic bags (even in backpacks they are a suffocation hazard).  Please check your child’s backpack for things they might add – today a child brought in a screwdriver, probably without telling his parents.  I will be returning it next week so if you are missing it,  don’t worry!

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