Good Afternoon: We want to share with our families that our student’s safety and well-being are paramount to us, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to ensure they receive the care and attention they need. At Spark! Discovery Preschool, our staff collaborate to provide medical care for students needing it, notifying parents/guardians, and in some cases securing professional care for the student. Injury care at the school can include: a health clerk, our campus supervisor, classroom staff, our Registered Nurse, our First Aid Response team, members of our safety team, and other office staff. Below is clarification on required procedures.
- St. Vrain Valley Schools follows guidance from CDPHE which is presented in the two page quick guide entitled, “How Sick is Too Sick?”
- Parents/Guardians will be contacted to immediately pick up their child if an illness develops during school hours.
- If Parents/Guardians cannot be contacted, an emergency contact will be called to pick up the child.
- The ill child will be isolated from other children and supervised by a school staff member at the front office until the Parents/Guardians or emergency contact arrives.
- The child may not return to school until he/she is symptom-free for at least 24 hours.
- The School Health Clerk supports each student with injury and illness.
- Supervising classroom staff assist children with basic first aid needs as injuries arise. Supervising staff notify the health clerk, nurse or other designee(s) at the school of what first aid care was provided each time it is needed.
- The health clerk, nurse, or other designee(s) delivers care to the child in the location where the injury occurred in most cases, as transitions can be difficult for children this age.
- Any cuts and/or scrapes may be cleaned, and a Band-Aid may be applied. School district policies prevent us from using additional measures such as topical ointments, antiseptic washes, etc. Notification may be done via phone, in person or email channels based on priorities that were set by the parent when registering in Infinite Campus.
- If additional details are needed related to the injury, parents/guardians are prompted to reach out to classroom staff who were present when the injury occurred.
- Internally SVVSD staff who witnessed the injury complete a “Student Injury Report.” This report is completed the day of the injury and includes information regarding how the injury occurred.
- Supervising staff assist children with basic first aid needs as injuries arise. Supervising staff notify the health clerk, nurse, or other designee(s) at the school of what first aid care was provided each time it is needed.
- The health clerk, nurse, or other designee(s) delivers care to the child in the location where the injury occurred in most cases, as transitions can be difficult for children this age.
- Parents/Guardians are informed about what occurred that caused the injury, and when the injury occurred the day of the injury. Notification may be done via phone, in person or email channels.
- If additional details are needed related to the injury, parents/guardians are prompted to reach out to classroom staff who were present when the injury occurred.
- If a child has bumped anything above their shoulders, a “Head Bump” form is completed. This form contains information specific to concussion protocols, which is an important distinction between all other types of injuries. For head bumps that occur in the preschool setting, the health clerk, nurse, or other designee(s) at the school contacts parents/guardians via phone and an email to include the Head Bump form is sent. If no email is on file a hard copy is sent home.
- Internally SVVSD staff who witnessed the injury complete a “Student Injury Report.” This report is completed the day of the injury and includes information regarding how the injury occurred.
- In extreme cases, 911 will be contacted immediately as our first responsibility is to secure professional care for the child with or without the permission of the parents/guardians.
- If a child is transported to the hospital, the student will be accompanied by a school employee. Another adult will accompany the school employee and the sick or injured student.
- Parents/guardians will be contacted. If custody of the child is shared, both parents/guardians will be contacted. If the parents/guardians cannot be reached, an emergency contact will be called. If none of the emergency contacts can be reached, staff will make the decision concerning emergency care for the child.
- Neither the school nor the school employee administering emergency treatment will be responsible for subsequent treatment or any financial obligations incurred as a result of such services or treatment.
Should the school become aware that parents/guardians of a child sought formal, external medical care for a child due to an injury which occurred at school (i.e. doctor’s office visit, emergency room visit, urgent care, or dental care) staff will submit an electronic injury report to the division of early childhood licensing, notifying them of the event.
Thank you,
Paige Gordon (Principal), Wendi Stewart (RN), Amanda Rivera (Health Clerk), Alicia Sheahan-Hall (Campus Supervisor/Health Clerk Sub/Licensing), and Tasha Lugg (Childcare Manager)