Message from Our Principal, Paige Gordon ([email protected])
Dear Families:
ENROLLMENT FOR PRESCHOOL HERE: It’s time to start thinking about enrollment for next year in preschool. 2024-2025 Fall Preschool Pre-Registration begins December 1, 2023. To better serve families and to support a more timely student preschool placement, St. Vrain’s Department of Early Childhood Education is offering families the opportunity to complete the district’s online pre-registration process prior to the state’s Universal Preschool (UPK) application. Families that pre-register in December will receive a notification of their placement from St. Vrain Valley Schools by the end of January, 2024. Pre-registered families will receive ongoing support and communication from St. Vrain Valley Schools if they choose to navigate the UPK process. Below is a link with information on enrollment/registration. The district will continue to update the website as needed or when new information becomes available. READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE! Please call our registrar, Amy Yanez, with any questions you may have.
KINDERGARTEN: For families with children moving on to kindergarten, registration for kindergarten starts on Dec. 1 as well. A new and distinct enrollment will need to be completed as children are changing schools when entering kindergarten. Children who are 5 by October 1, 2024 should transition to kindergarten. Please enroll children starting Dec 1 here. More info about how kindergarten registration works is here.
With respect – Paige Gordon, Principal – Spark! Discovery Preschool
Believe Parent-Teacher Organization Fundraiser: The Believe fundraiser pick-up was held on 11/9/23. If families were unable to pick-up these items we now have them available at the front office. Our office hours are 8 am to 4 pm, Mon – Friday. Come see us, and office staff would be happy to help. If there are issues with an order, please email the PTO for assistance, as they are working with the vendor: [email protected]. Thanks again to our PTO for putting this event together. Also, a shout out and a big thank you to our families and our community for purchasing items through this fundraiser!
VOLUNTEER TRAINING: We are excited to once again host Volunteer Training at various points through the year in our cafeteria at Spark! Volunteer training is required by the Department of Human Services, as we are a licensed preschool, in order to volunteer in the preschool classroom at our school. A sign up form was emailed to families in a separate communication– please check emails for the link. Because of some sensitive topics, this training is best attended by adults (babies are okay to attend). Childcare is not provided during training. If translation is needed, please indicate this on the form. The dates for volunteer training for the next three months are:
- Tuesday, November 28, 2023, from 8:30 – 10:00 am in the cafeteria
- No training will be offered in December
- Thursday, January 25, from 4:15 -5:45 pm in the cafeteria.
NOVEMBER CANNED FOOD DRIVE to benefit the Carbon Valley Help Center:
We are having a canned food drive from Monday, October 30 to Thursday, November 16 to support the Carbon Valley Help Center. If families are able, please send in non-perishable foods which have not expired. Ongoing needs include: Beans, Macaroni & Cheese, Canned Fruit, Pasta & Rice, Canned Meat, Canned Soup & Stews, Canned Vegetables, Peanut Butter, Cereal…etc. We will be taking this to the Help Center, located at 150 Buchanan Ave, Firestone, CO. The Carbon Valley Help Center is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with appointments recommended (303-833-6626 to set up an appointment)… walk ins accepted based on availability.
Absentee & Retake Picture Day- Monday November 13th. Van Gogh School Photographers will be taking individual retake photos for those children who were not present on picture day or whose photos did not meet standards. To prepay for pictures go to: https://orders.vangoghco.com/prepay/—-Enter the school code: 30024301
Retakes: If families would like children to participate in retakes please return the entire picture package to our photographers on retake day.
Refund Policy: Return the entire picture package to Van Gogh and indicate that a refund is desired. Include the name of the school, who to make the check out to and return address. No partial refunds given.
Contacting the Vendor: Van Gogh School Photographers Inc. — 602 Park Point Drive Suite 140 Golden, CO 80401 and their phone: 303-679-9003.
Important Inclement Weather Information: SVVSD recently sent a message to families about protocols for weather-related scenarios, and this information can be found on the SVVSD website.
During any inclement weather shortened online learning days: 1) At-home assignments (20-30 minutes) are sent home for preschoolers prior to being needed during an online learning day schedule, 2) Teachers may also email families during an online learning day to include activities or may set up activities in SeeSaw, 3) Staff will check their email throughout any online learning day in-case students reach out with questions or need additional assistance, and 4) During an online learning day, from 11:00 – 11:30 am is an Online Office Hour.
In the event of a delayed start of two hours, at Spark! Discovery Preschool:
- Morning Preschool Classes from 8:30 – 11:10 am will be canceled
- Afternoon Preschool Classes from 12:25 – 3:05 pm will follow a normal schedule
- Full Day Classes (Ms. Kaylee and Ms. Noreen): Will begin 2 hours later than their regularly scheduled start time — which is at 10:30 am
- Wrap-around childcare will begin at 11:00 a.m.
SPIRIT WEEK is coming NOV 13 – 16!
- Nov 13 – World Kindness Day: Write a note or draw a picture for a staff member or the classroom or childcare room.
- Nov 14 – Neon and Tie-Dye day
- Nov 15 – Favorite team / sport shirt day
- Nov 16 – Formal / Fancy / Dress up Day
Participate in the myON Reading Challenge NOV 17-27! We are participating in the myON reading challenge from Nov 17 – 27! Preschoolers can access a free myON reading account to use over the course of their PK-12 schooling. Ask a teacher about how to access it before we get to break so they can participate in this reading challenge. A cool feature of the program is the option to highlight each word as the system reads it aloud to the student, developing “concept of word,” which helps a reader to match spoken words to written words while reading.

LUNCH / SNACK Menus: Families can now find the monthly Lunch Menu at LINQCONNECT. This online system allows families to filter for allergens and see the Breakfast Menu. Please change between Breakfast and Lunch in the upper left hand corner. Change the month to reflect December’s menus.
Reading Club: A partnership between Spark! Discovery Preschool and the Carbon Valley Library
We are excited to announce an opportunity to get involved in early literacy as a family! Amanda Pittman, Librarian from Carbon Valley Regional Library and Mary Stivison, Teacher at Spark! are partnering together to bring Saturday story time to Spark! during the week! Come engage in literacy activities with us! Families are welcome. We have room for 30 students each session, and families can attend more than one session. Students can choose a book to read and take home. Register here! Questions? Email Ms. Mary at [email protected].
SVVSD Equity and Community Engagement: Our school district’s Native American Family Night in partnership with SVVSD Priority Programs was a huge success. Please join us next time! Location: Innovation Center Time: 5pm-7pm. Dates: November 28th, 2023, Feb 27th 2024, and April 30th 2024
Important Dates— Nov 13 – Nov 17, 2023
- All week: Mathematical focus on Counting for November
- All week: Fundations letter and letter sound learning: Uu, Vv
- Stem Unit 2: Oct 23- Dec 1
- Lifecycles of Animals: Mary, Marie, Kelli
- Transportation: Julia and Moira
- Drama and Theater: Noreen and Kaylee
- Moving and Grooving: Dance and Fitness- Kiersten and Tori
- Ooh-Aah Science- Blair, Miranda, and Amy
- Mon, Nov 13 through Nov 16: Canned Food Drive At Spark! to benefit the Carbon Valley Help Center
- Mon, Nov 13 – World Kindness Day: Write a note or make a picture for a staff member or classroom/childcare room
- Mon, Nov 13- Van Gogh School Picture RETAKE day – 10 am to 3:30 pm.
- Tues, Nov 14- Parent University Session on Dyslexia: St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. Join Yes! Ambassadors: Youth Examples of Self-Advocacy on Nov. 14 at Coal Ridge Middle School from 5:00 pm -6:30 p.m. as they present, What We Want Everyone to Know About Dyslexia: The student perspective. Learn more about St. Vrain’s Parent University and view upcoming events >>
- Tues Nov 14 – Neon and Tie-Dye day
- Wed, Nov 15 – Favorite team / sport shirt day
- Wed, Nov 15 – 7 preschool classrooms will partner with the Farm to Table CETC students and program
- Thurs, Nov 16 – Formal / Fancy / Dress up Day
- Thurs, Nov 16 – PBIS (Positive Behavior & Intervention Supports) dance party for November
Nov 20 – Nov 24- Thanksgiving break:
Childcare and preschool will be closed for the week. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the day with family and friends!
Important Dates— Nov 27 – Dec 1, 2023
- All week: Mathematical focus on Counting for November
- All week: Fundations letter and letter sound learning: Ww, Xx
- Stem Unit 2: Oct 23- Dec 1
- Lifecycles of Animals: Mary, Marie, Kelli
- Transportation: Julia and Moira
- Drama and Theater: Noreen and Kaylee
- Moving and Grooving: Dance and Fitness- Kiersten and Tori
- Ooh-Aah Science- Blair, Miranda, and Amy
- Mon, Nov 27 – Dec 15: We are hosting a PJ and Book Drive to benefit students at Spark!
- Mon, Nov 27 — AM Preschool (Ms. Noreen, Ms. Amy, Ms. Miranda, and Ms. Kaylee) will watch and participate in an interactive performance of Sleeping Beauty with the Frederick High School Advanced Drama class in the gym
- Tues, Nov 28 – 8:30 – 10:00 am – Volunteer Training (prior sign up required) – in cafeteria
- Thursday, Nov 30 – 6:00 – 7:30 pm – Parent-Teacher Organization meeting in the cafeteria with free babysitting for preschoolers.
- Fri, Dec 1 – Tuition is due. Questions? Stacey Petering at 720-652-7906
A message from the Spark! Campus Supervisor, Alicia Hall ([email protected]).
At Spark! Discovery Preschool we take safety and security seriously and want to ensure that every student can learn and grow in a nurturing and safe place. Please be sure to follow all posted speed guidelines in our parking lots and on the city roads bordering the school. The school zone speed limit from 7am-4pm (M-F) is 20 MPH on city roads and much lower in our parking lots. Young children can be very unpredictable. Please be cautious when driving in these areas especially during drop off and pick up times. When weather hits it can cause slippery spots that delay stopping time. At Spark! we have 2 stop signs near our school. One is at the SE corner of the parking lot where families can turn into our parking lot or go straight to Thunder Valley K0-8 and one is at the SW corner of the parking lot leaving the school. Please be sure to come to a complete stop at these locations. If parents/guardians see a safety concern please reach out to me, so I can help address any concern.
A message from the Spark! Health Clerk, Amanda Rivera ([email protected])
If families are having problems finding a location to get vaccines, this is an event in partnership with Boulder County Public Health:
Nov 4 and Nov 18- Longmont Hub- 515 Coffman St., Longmont, CO. From- 9 am to 1pm.
Vaccines for Children (VFC) provides low cost and free vaccines for children and teens who are uninsured, underinsured, Medicaid eligible, American Indian or Alaska Native. Vaccines at low or no cost for adults who are uninsured or underinsured. Parent or legal guardian must be present. Walk-ins welcome! Appointments available at: https://www.boco.org/vaccineclinics. Bringing your child’s immunization record is highly recommended. Flu and COVID- 19 vaccines available. shotsfortotsandteens.org www.boco.org/vaccineclinics 303-413-7799.
A message from the Spark! Attendance/Registrar, Amy Yanez [email protected]
Happy November! Parents and Guardians- Please remember when signing in to drop off students through the office everyone must go back through the office to sign out as they exit the building. For safety reasons, front office staff and security staff need to know who is entering and exiting the building at all times.
We invite our families to join us on our social media outlets:
Facebook: Spark-Discovery-Preschool-of-St-Vrain
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sparkdiscoverypreschool/
Twitter: @SparkDPS