A Message from the school Principal, Paige Gordon
Student Injury practices at Spark!
Our student’s safety and well-being are paramount to us, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to ensure they receive the care and attention they need. At Spark! Discovery Preschool, our staff collaborate to provide medical care for students needing it, notifying parents/guardians, and in some cases securing professional care for the student. Injury care at the school can include: a health clerk, our campus supervisor, classroom staff, our Registered Nurse, our First Aid Response team, members of our safety team, and other office staff. Below is clarification on the procedures.
- St. Vrain Valley Schools follows guidance from CDPHE which is presented in the two page quick guide entitled, “How Sick is Too Sick?”
- Parents/Guardians will be contacted to immediately pick up their child if an illness develops during school hours.
- If Parents/Guardians cannot be contacted, an emergency contact will be called to pick up the child.
- The ill child will be isolated from other children and supervised by a school staff member until the Parents/Guardians or emergency contact arrives.
- The child may not return to school until he/she is symptom-free for at least 24 hours.
- The School Health Clerk supports the student with injury and illness.
- Supervising staff assist children with basic first aid needs as injuries arise. Supervising staff notify the health clerk, nurse or other designee(s) at the school of what first aid care was provided each time it is needed.
- The health clerk, nurse, or other designee(s) delivers care to the child in the location where the injury occurred in most cases, as transitions can be difficult for children this age.
- Any cuts and/or scrapes may be cleaned, and a Band-Aid may be applied. School district policies prevent us from using additional measures such as topical ointments, antiseptic washes, etc. Notification may be done via phone, in person or email channels.
- If additional details are needed related to the injury, parents/guardians are prompted to reach out to classroom staff who were present when the injury occurred.
- Internally SVVSD staff who witnessed the injury complete a “Student Injury Report.” This report is completed the day of the injury and includes information regarding how the injury occurred.
- Supervising staff assist children with basic first aid needs as injuries arise. Supervising staff notify the health clerk, nurse, or other designee(s) at the school of what first aid care was provided each time it is needed.
- The health clerk, nurse, or other designee(s) delivers care to the child in the location where the injury occurred in most cases, as transitions can be difficult for children this age.
- Parents/Guardians are informed about what occurred that caused the injury, and when the injury occurred the day of the injury. Notification may be done via phone, in person or email channels.
- If additional details are needed related to the injury, parents/guardians are prompted to reach out to classroom staff who were present when the injury occurred.
- If a child has bumped anything above their shoulders, a “Head Bump” form is completed. This form contains information specific to concussion protocols, which is an important distinction between all other types of injuries. For head bumps that occur in the preschool setting, the health clerk, nurse, or other designee(s) at the school contacts parents/guardians via phone and an email to include the Head Bump form is sent. If no email is on file a hard copy is sent home.
- Internally SVVSD staff who witnessed the injury complete a “Student Injury Report.” This report is completed the day of the injury and includes information regarding how the injury occurred.
If an injury is serious:
- In extreme cases, 911 will be contacted immediately as our first responsibility is to secure professional care for the child with or without the permission of the parents/guardians.
- If a child is transported to the hospital, the student will be accompanied by a school employee. Another adult will accompany the school employee and the sick or injured student.
- Parents/guardians will be contacted. If custody of the child is shared, both parents/guardians will be contacted. If the parents/guardians cannot be reached, an emergency contact will be called. If none of the emergency contacts can be reached, staff will make the decision concerning emergency care for the child.
- Neither the school nor the school employee administering emergency treatment will be responsible for subsequent treatment or any financial obligations incurred as a result of such services or treatment.
Should the school become aware that parents/guardians of a child sought formal, external medical care for a child due to an injury which occurred at school (i.e. doctor’s office visit, emergency room visit, urgent care, or dental care) staff will submit an electronic injury report to the division of early childhood licensing, notifying them of the event.
Join us for our preschool Art Show! – SAVE THE DATE
- Thursday, March 14, 2024, 3:30 to 5:00 pm (Main Event) in the halls of the school. It won’t take 90 minutes to walk through the displays. All preschool teachers will be there from 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm. The school’s book exchange program will also be open during this after school event. Families are welcome to do a self-guided look from 3:10 – 3:30 pm this day and should know that staff will be working to get fully set up at that time as their primary goal.
- Friday, March 15th, 2023, 8:00 am to 1:00 pm open for self-guided family visit.
- New this year: Some student work will be selected for display in our school’s portion of the district-wide art show at the Boulder County Fairgrounds later in the school year.
Families can view their child’s art projects, which will be with their class display in the hallways of the school. You can also add to our school’s school-wide art project that will be created during the event and displayed for years to come using the supplies provided.
PTO Spring Spirit Week — March 11-14
- Monday, 3/11/24- Crazy hair day
- Tuesday, 3/12/24- KIDS Choice (no face paint, no weapons/fake weapons)
- Wednesday, 3/13/24 – SUPERHERO DAY!
- Thursday, 3/14/24- Wear green for St. Patrick’s Day
You’re invited! A conversation with Dr. Devorah Heitner
Dr. Heitner is scheduled for a parent event at Frederick High School on the evening of March 6 from 5:00 – 6:30 pm as part of St. Vrain Parent University. Please sign up at https://www.svvsd.org/departments/professional-development/parent-university/
If you’ve ever said “I’m so glad my teenage years weren’t shared for the world to see,” this talk is for you! With social media and constant connection, the boundaries of privacy for children are stretched thin. “Growing Up in Public” shows parents how to help tweens and teens navigate boundaries, identity, privacy, and reputation in their digital world. Dr. Devorah Heitner is the author of Growing Up in Public: Coming of Age in a Digital World and Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and CNN Opinion. She has a Ph.D. in Media/Technology & Society from Northwestern University and has taught at DePaul and Northwestern. Registered attendees will receive a copy of Devorah’s book “Growing Up in Public”
Parent University Reminder
Reminder: Upcoming Parent University Sessions, March 6, and March 11
St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children.
Join us for our upcoming sessions:
- March 11: The Student Perspective: The Power of Self-Advocacy (presented by Yes! Ambassadors) – Westview Middle School
Learn more about St. Vrain’s Parent University and register for upcoming events
A message from the Spark! Discovery Preschool Parent-teacher Organization
The most delicious fundraiser of the year is coming up, on February 26th through March 11! We will be having a Butter Braid fundraiser sponsored by our Spark PTO. These funds help us put on free events for students and their families such as, Trick or Treat Street in October, grants, and the Spring Carnival in May, as well as supporting teacher grants twice a year, to bring educational and fun materials into the classroom for lessons on various topics throughout the year! We are also able to bring in Anima Arts for drama and dance in the classroom, and family movement classes in the evenings at no cost. If you haven’t tried these delicious pastries yet, this is the perfect time! They will be delivered to school just before Easter, and freeze well if you’d like to save for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or any other time you would like a sweet morning treat to start your day! If you have any questions about the fundraiser please email the PTO at [email protected]. Order forms are due back to school by Monday, March 11.
We are excited to host Volunteer Training at various points through the year in our cafeteria at Spark! Volunteer training is required by the Department of Human Services, as we are a licensed preschool. A sign up form was emailed to families in a separate communication– please check emails for the link. If unable to find the email with link, please call Stacey Petering, principal’s secretary to confirm your attendance. Because of some sensitive topics, this training is best attended by adults (babies are okay to attend). Childcare is not provided during volunteer training. If translation is needed, please indicate this on the form. The last date for volunteer training is Tuesday, March 12, from 8:30 – 10:00 am in the cafeteria. If you have questions, please call (720-652-7906) Stacey Petering, school secretary, and she can help you make a reservation if you can’t find the link to sign up.
Mar 4 – 8, 2024 – IMPORTANT DATES
- All week: Big Ideas of Early Mathematics: Data Analysis
- All week: STEM PROFILE OF THE MONTH: Cooperative
- All week: Fundations- v, w
- STEM UNITS: #4 for 2023-2024
- Lifecycles of Animals: Ms. Noreen and Ms. Kaylee
- Transportation: Ms.Blair, Ms.Miranda, and Ms.Amy
- Drama and Theater: Ms.Julia and Ms.Moira
- Moving and Grooving- Dance and Fitness: Ms.Mary, Ms.Kelli, and Ms.Marie.
- Ooh-Aah Science: Ms.Kiersten and Ms.Tori
- Lifecycles of Animals: Ms. Noreen and Ms. Kaylee
- Mon, Mar 4, 2024, Anima Arts in the gym, at 4:45 pm- 5:30 pm
- Mon, Mar 4 – Legacy Dance school visitation for some classes
- Mon, Mar 4, 2024- Butter Braids fundraiser (PTO)
- Mon, Mar 4 – Ms Mimi is coming classes: Ms Marie, Ms. Mary, and Ms Amy
- Tue, Mar 5, 2024- Butter Braids fundraiser (PTO)
- Wed, Mar 6, 2024- Butter Braids fundraiser (PTO)
- WED, MAR 6 – We do not observe LATE START in PK or CHILDCARE
- Wed, Mar 6 – PTO sponsored PJ Day, $1.00 donation to support PTO
- Wed, Mar 6 – Ms Mimi is coming classes: Ms Moira, Ms. Julia
- Thurs, Mar 7, 2024- Butter Braids fundraiser (PTO)
- Fri, Mar 8, 2024- Butter Braids fundraiser (PTO)
- Sun, Mar 10, 2024- Daylight Savings starts — SPRING FORWARD!
- ____________________________________________________________________________
Mar 11 – 15, 2024 – IMPORTANT DATES
- All week: Big Ideas of Early Mathematics: Data Analysis
- All week: STEM PROFILE OF THE MONTH: Cooperation
- All week: Fundations – y, x
- STEM UNITS: #4 for 2023-2024
- LIfecycles of Animals: Ms. Noreen and Ms. Kaylee
- Transportation: Ms.Blair, Ms.Miranda, and Ms.Amy
- Drama and Theater: Ms.Julia and Ms.Moira
- Moving and Grooving- Dance and Fitness: Ms.Mary, Ms.Kelli, and Ms.Marie.
- Ooh-Aah Science: Ms.Kirsten and Ms.Tori
- Mon, Mar 11 – Ms Mimi is coming classes: Ms Marie, Ms. Mary, and Ms Amy
- Mon, Mar 11 – Spirit day: Crazy Hair Day
- Mon, Mar 11, 4:45 – 5:30pm – Anima Arts (Winter) Families Moving Together – with Miss Mimi- in the Gym (reservations required) – Thank you PTO for sponsoring this event!
- Mon, Mar 12 – Spirit day: Kids Choice
- Tues, Mar 12, 2024- 8:30 – 10am- Volunteer training – cafeteria
- Tues, Mar 12 – 9 am — School Tour
- Wed, Mar 13 – Spirit day: Superhero DAY!
- Wed, Mar 13 – Ms Mimi is coming classes: Ms Moira, Ms. Julia
- Wed, Mar 13: FARM to SCHOOL programming with classes
- Thurs Mar 14 – Spirit day: Wear GREEN for St. Patrick’s Day
- Thurs, Mar 14, 2024- 3:30 – 5:00 pm – cafeteria- Spark! Art Show –main event
- Fri, Mar 15, 2024- 8:00am to 1 pm- Spark! Art Show — open for self-guided family visits in the cafeteria.
- Sun, Mar 17, 2024- St. Patrick’s Day
SPRING BREAK is March 18 – 22, 2024: Preschool and Childcare are closed
A Message from the Community Schools Manager, Tasha Lugg, [email protected]
About Childcare at Spark!
Community Schools provides a nurturing, caring, educational and fun filled childcare program, under the direction of St. Vrain Valley School District in partnership with the school. All of our Child Care programs are licensed through the Colorado Department of Human Services. At Spark! Discovery Preschool, we offer a Pre-K Care program for 3 and 4 year old. For program details reach out to Tasha Lugg, Program Manager, at [email protected] or 720-652-7908 or contact the Community Schools central office at 303-702-7924.
Pre-K Care Fees:
- $40 per day if enrolled in SVVSD Preschool
- $50 per day if not enrolled in SVVSD Preschool
- All students must attend two days a week minimum
How to register for Pre-K Care Wraparound at Spark! 2024-2025
Go to: https://stvrain.revtrak.net/
Login or make a new account if you are a new family to SVVSD or Community Schools.
Find CS Spark! Discovery Preschool
Click on Pre-K Care Program
Click on 24-25 Spark! Pre-K Care. Make sure it is for the ‘24-’25 school year
Please pay attention to prompts asking for the parent name or the child’s name. This will save families/parents from re-doing their child’s registration paperwork.
Registration opens Tuesday, February 6th, 20024 at 9:00 am.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Tasha Lugg, Program Manager, at [email protected] or 720-652-7908.
Summer Camps – Pre-K Summer Childcare
- K-5 Camps Open 7am – 6pm
- Pre-K Camps Open 7am – 5:30pm
- For more details on SVVSD camps, visit our website.
- Click here to be linked to the Community Schools website.
- Camp dates: June 3 – August 2, 2024 (closed 7/4/24 & 7/5/24)
- Registration fees: $50 for individuals, $75 family (nonrefundable)
- Daily Cost: $50 per day per child
- Pre-K Camps
- Open 7am – 5:30pm
- Accepting 3, 4 & 5 year old
- Legacy Pre-K
- Mountain View Pre-K
- Questions? Call Tasha Lugg at 720-652-7908, at Spark!
A message from our Campus Supervisor, Alicia Sheahan Hall–[email protected].
Please be sure to follow all posted speed guidelines in our parking lots and on the city roads bordering the school. The school zone speed limit from 7am-4pm (M-F) is 20 MPH on city roads and much lower in our parking lots. Young children can be very unpredictable. Please be hyper vigilant when driving in these areas especially during drop off and pick up times. When weather hits it can cause slippery spots that delay stopping time.
At Spark! we have 2 stop signs near our school. One is at the SE corner of the parking lot where you can turn into our parking lot or go straight to Thunder Valley and one is at the SW corner of the parking lot leaving the school. Please be sure to come to a complete stop at these locations. These are very high traffic areas and coming to a complete stop will help with safety.
A message from the Spark! Registrar/Attendance clerk, [email protected]
- Did you know that missing just 2 days a month or 10% of school can make it harder for students to:
- Gain early reading and math skills
- – Build Relationships
- – Develop good attendance habits
- The routines your child develops early will continue throughout their school years. Attending school on time, every day on a regular basis helps students feel better about school and themselves. Start building this habit early in preschool so they learn right away that going to school everyday is important. Acceptable attendance, as reported to and mandated by the state, is being present 90 % of the time. If you know in advance that your child will be absent from school, please contact Amy Yanez.
A message from the Spark! Health Clerk, Amanda Rivera, rivera_aman[email protected]
Hello Spark Families-
If your child has had a recent physical exam please be sure to get the General Health Appraisal Form to me or your child’s teacher. The General Health Appraisal is valid for 1 year from the date of the last physical exam and is mandatory for licensing purposes. Please contact me if you have any questions!
SVVSD Nutrition Services- Lunch and Snack Menu- https://linqconnect.com/public/menu/DCN3CB?buildingId=482fe7e5-3406-ee11-a17a-83fe6e630216
We invite our families to join us on social media and on the web:
Facebook: Spark-Discovery-Preschool-of-St-Vrain
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sparkdiscoverypreschool/
Twitter: @SparkDPS
Website: https://sdpk.svvsd.org/