A message from our Principal, Paige Gordon
Dear families,
We know how busy life can be, and we truly appreciate the time you take to pick up and drop off preschoolers each day. We kindly ask that during this time, parents set aside their phones so we can connect with them if needed and share any important updates about the day. The connections we make with families at pick up / drop off build a strong sense of community. Thank you for your assistance during this brief time during the day.
Paige Gordon, Principal
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will begin on December 2nd, 2024.
St. Vrain Valley School District offers free full-day kindergarten at every elementary school.
It’s hard to believe that if children are moving on to Kindergarten next school year, registration begins on December 2. Families will be able to register for Kindergarten throughout our school district’s website. Registration continues after this, but choices may be more limited as we get closer to the start of school for next year. Children turning age 5 on or before Oct. 1, 2025 need their parens/families to complete the enrollment process for kindergarten. St. Vrain Valley School District offers free full-day kindergarten at every elementary school. Please submit kindergarten enrollment information to your school of choice. Any additional questions can also be answered by calling the school (school contact information) you are submitting your application to.
I recommend parents take advantage of various methods of learning about schools so they can make informed decisions about kindergarten:
- Visit the school’s website and social media to get a feel for the school, staff, and students.
- Call and make an appointment to talk to the principal to visit and tour the school.
- Check with the school to see if they offer tours or informational nights for interested parents.
Here is some important website links and principal’s contact information from our feeder elementary schools in the Carbon Valley area:
Centennial Elementary, 720-652-8240. Principal– Mrs. Jennifer Byxbe, [email protected]
Legacy Elementary, 720-652-8160, Principal— Dr. Sean Corey, [email protected]
Prairie Ridge Elementary, 720-494-3641, Principal—Mrs. Carole Oliphant, [email protected]
Thunder Valley K-8, 303-833-2456, Principal— Mrs. Catrina Estrada, [email protected]
Online Registration is a great option for families that are new to St. Vrain Valley Schools, and an online registration is required for all children entering kindergarten in SVVSD. Parents and Guardians fill out an online application that includes information about members of the household, emergency contacts and student data. Application processing will be handled by the enrollment office at the school district, and notification will be sent via email as an application moves through the approval process. Upon application approval, it is necessary for the family to contact the school(s) to complete the registration process. Here is the link: https://www.svvsd.org/schools/enrollment/new-student-registration/
With respect – Paige Gordon, principal – Spark! Discovery Preschool
2025-2026 Preschool Registration Begins December 17, 2024
Preschool registration for the upcoming school year will open December 17, 2024 and the application link will be https://www.svvsd.org/departments/early-childhood/preschool/. The Colorado Universal Preschool (UPK) application with the state of Colorado will be available within St. Vrain’s application. Preschool placements are first come, first serve. Registering early increases the opportunity of placement at a family’s school of choice.
Preschool for Three Year Olds
- Students who are three years old, on or before October 1, 2025 should register using the link above.
- Tuition rates and the schedule are to be determined.
Preschool for Four Year Olds
- Through Universal Preschool (UPK), all children who are four years old, on or before October 1, 2025, are qualified for free district half-day preschool (AM or PM). UPK Qualifying Factors UPK – FAQ
- Families are to complete the UPK application https://cdec.colorado.gov/universal-preschool-colorado to take advantage of free preschool, which is available within the district preschool application.
- Tuition rates and the schedule are to be determined.
- Please contact Amy Yanez, our registrar / attendance clerk, at 720-652-7906 or at [email protected] for initial questions. Depending on the question or need for support, we may ask you to call the Early Childhood Education office with SVVSD, as coordinationi of UPK with the state of Colorado happens at the district level.
With respect – Paige Gordon, Principal ([email protected])

Spirit Week is this week!

Important Dates at Spark! Nov 18- Nov 29
Mon, Nov 18, 2024
Big Idea of Early Mathematics Math focus: Counting
STEM profile of the Month: Enthusiastic
STEM Unit 2 Starts on 11-4-24 with THESE TOPICS/TEACHERS:
- Danielle H. and Amy N.- Expressing Ourselves through Art
- Noreen R. and Kaylee C.- People and Places in my Community
- Tori M., Kiersten P., and Marie B.- Making Music
- Kelli W., Miranda B., and Polly J.- Simple Machines – a study in Motion
- All week our counselor, Ms. Sandy, will be conducting whole-group lessons on Friendship Skills/Playing with Others
- PTO: Jersey Mike’s Fundraiser – Hwy 119/ I-25, 5pm-close
- Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
Tues, Nov 19, 2024
- Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
- PTO Spirit Day – Formal / Fancy Day
- Van Gogh Picture retakes starting at 10 am.
- PTO: Jersey Mike’s Fundraiser – Hwy 119/ I-25, 5pm-close
Weds, Nov 20, 2024
- PTO Spirit Day – Color Day – see the message from your child’s teacher for guidance
- People in our neighborhood presenter for Ms. Noreen’s classroom- Aaron Lamparter, Air Traffic Controller- 8:45 am – 9:45 am.
- Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
Thurs, Nov 21, 2024
- Canned food drive to benefit Carbon Valley Help Center- Please bring donations to the Gray hallway.
- Farm to School, Animal Lesson (Ms. Noreen, Ms. Marie, Ms. Miranda and Ms. Newsom
- Farm to Table- Theme is farm animals
- PBIS Nov REWARD DAY – see information from your child’s teacher
Mon – Fri, Nov 25 – 29: Thanksgiving Break
- Childcare and preschool will be closed for the fall break
Important Dates at Spark! Dec 2- Nov 6
Mon, Dec 2
Big Idea of Early Mathematics Math focus: Number Operations
STEM profile of the Month: Empathetic
STEM Unit 2- week long
- Danielle H. and Amy N.- Expressing Ourselves through Art
- Noreen R. and Kaylee C.- People and Places in my Community
- Tori M., Kiersten P., and Marie B.- Making Music
- Kelli W., Miranda B., and Polly J.- Simple Machines – a study in Motion
All week our counselor, Ms. Sandy, will be conducting whole-group lessons on Friendship Skills/Playing with Others
Wed, Dec 4
Late Start for K-12, but not for Preschool – we host school and childcare as normal
PJ Day – Sponsored by PTO (Suggested $1.00 donation).
We are excited to announce that individual picture retakes for our preschool students will take place on Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024. Retakes will take place at 10 am to 1:30 pm. This is a great opportunity for any child who missed the original picture day, or if parents would like a new photo taken. If parents wish to have Their child’s photo retaken, please notify the teacher, so we can ensure they are included. Please reach out to Stacey at 720-652-7906 with questions.

Join Us: Community Appreciation Events Nov 19 and 21
St. Vrain Valley Schools extends our heartfelt gratitude to our community for the overwhelming support of the 2024 Bond Measure. To celebrate this momentous achievement and express our profound appreciation, we invite you to two upcoming community events. These special evenings will feature an innovative drone show by our student drone performance team, along with hot cocoa and cookies.
- Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 6:30 p.m. at Frederick High School
- Thursday, November 21, 2024, 6:30 p.m. at the Innovation Center
Read Superintendent Dr. Don Haddad’s Thank You Message to the Community

Leadership St. Vrain Now Accepting Applications
Leadership St. Vrain is a program designed to provide parents and other community members the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of our district’s mission, operations and strategic priorities. The program is especially beneficial for those who want to obtain a foundation in district operations and governance and become more active participants in St. Vrain Valley Schools. Click here to learn more and apply. All meetings will be held in-person and rotate locations each month. Meetings will run from 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. on the dates listed below:
Friday, December 13: Advancing Learning through Technology
Location: Skyline High School
Friday, January 17: Elevating the Teaching Profession
Location: Silver Creek High School
Friday, February 7: The Success of All Students; Special Education & Student Services
Location: Mead High School
Friday, March 7: Student Engagement and School Culture
Location: Niwot High School
Friday, April 11: Operational Excellence
Location: Longmont High School
Friday, May 9: The St. Vrain Advantage
Location: Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools
A message from our Health Clerk, Amanda Rivera [email protected]
Hello Spark families! Just a reminder that General Health Appraisal forms are mandatory and must be kept up to date for state licensing purposes. Please note that the form is valid for 1 year from the date of the most recent physical exam and not from the date that the form was signed. Notices are sent home to parents with student’s that will have a form expiring. Please understand that the health appraisal form is a crucial part of our license process and it is very important that you respond to the notice once received.
A message from our Attendance Clerk / Registrar, Amy Yanez [email protected]
Families please remember to update contact information in Infinite Campus. If parents need to update their phone number or email address and are having a difficult time please stop by the office for assistance or call us at 720-652-7906.
When calling to leave a message about your child’s absence, please leave a message with your child’s name and why your child is going to be absent. If your child is absent, and we have not received a voicemail/email we will call to verify the reason for your child is absence. Absences that are unverified are unexcused.
Check us out here!
Spark! Discovery Preschool website
Spark! Discovery Preschool Facebook
Spark! Discovery Preschool Twitter
Spark! Discovery Preschool Instagram