Ms. Amy Kuesel’s update 9-15-19

Dear Families,

We started our new literacy “Fundations” curriculum last week and the students focused on the letters A and B.  We are working on saying the alphabet, learning the letter, sound and also movement which goes with each letter to help us learn phonics.   Next week we will add the letters B and C. Our first STEM unit is Robotics and we are just beginning to introduce the unit and I added out more Robotics materials to the classroom on Friday.  We did a fun taste test with something sweet, salty and sour foods, which the children enjoyed. This upcoming week we are going to continue with our Robotics unit,  Fundations focus on B and C and patterning.  If you have any apples in the house and could send one in, we will use them to sequence and count. Thank-you for returning most the conference paperwork.  As a reminder, I will be out of town on October 3 and 4th for a family wedding so my conferences will be on Monday October 1, Tuesday October 2 and Wednesday October 3rd.   Class donations are also appreciated and you have done a wonderful job keeping us supplied with toilet paper and paper towel rolls.  Also, great job on water bottles, the children really like to sip their water as they wait for your arrival. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Best,Amy Kuesel

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