Ms. Kiersten’s update 1-1-18

appy New Year!  I hope 2018 is a great year for you and your whole family.

 I can’t wait to hear from your children about their winter break when we come back tomorrowJanuary 2nd at our usual time.  It is always exciting to see how much they’ve grown in just two weeks.   January brings both some extra days off (check the calendar!) and very cold temperatures.  Be sure to dress your children warmly – we will be going outside even if the weather is in the 20’s! We will be coming back to finish our Health and Exercise unit.  We will finish talking about nutrition and begin exploring exercise.  Not only will we try out some different exercises and discuss how they make us feel, at the end of the unit we will be making our very own exercise video to share with other classes! In other parts of our day, we will be continuing to work on learning our letter names and sounds as well as learning to count and write our numbers and exploring shapes.  Our focus each week will be:    January 2-4:  The number 4, letters Tt, Ii, Uu, and Cc, and rectangles;    January 8-11:  The number 5, letters Oo, Qq, Gg, and Ss and pentagons;    January 16-18:  The number 6, letters Jj, Dd, Pp, and Bb, and hexagons;    January 22-25:  The number 7, letters Rr, Kk, Aa, and Vv, and ovals,    January 29-Feb 1:  The number 8, letters Mm, Nn, and Ww, and spheres. Hopefully we will have a new book order available soon. I will send home the flyers when they come in and let you know the due date then. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Sincerely, Ms. Kiersten 

Nuts & Bolts:

If your child is sick or is going to be absent, please be sure to tell the office and me. A group email to Ms. Kiersten, the office, and wrap-around helps ensure we are all aware of what is going on. Thank you!


If you would like to volunteer in my classroom or at the school, please contact the office about setting up a time for the mandatory training. We will start having classroom volunteers this month and would love to have more of you join us.


Remember to say goodbye to your child before they come into the cubby.  For safety reasons, we cannot allow them to run out to you after they’ve been checked in.

Please be sure to send in your child dressed for the outdoor weather.  We will be going out even when the temperatures are in the low 20’s.

Be sure to have your child’s name on their homework when it gets turned in.

Tuition payments need to be turned into the office, not left in your child’s folder.

Dates to know:

Tuesday, January 2:  School resumes at the usual times Tuesday, January 9:  Library – please be sure your child has their book turned in before class! Friday, January 12:  No school. Monday, January 15:  No school. Tuesday, January 23:  Library – please be sure your child’s book has been returned before class! Thursday, January 25:  PTO Pajama Day!   Friday, January 26:  No school.


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