Ms. Tori’s Update 4-23-17

Hello Preschool Families!!  

We hope that you are enjoying the beautiful weather. Thank you to the families who were able to make to the Carnival. It was great seeing you there and we hope that you had fun. I know Ms. Tessa and I did.


A Week in Review:

·      We preformed the ABC’s for Ms. Alyssa’s Class. Both class really enjoyed it. We also started talking the Life Cycle of Plants and Insects. We started our experiment to see what plants need to grow. We also are observing caterpillars.

·      We talked about the numbers thirteen. How do we write 13? Can we find 13 objects?  Is there a poem to remember how to write the numbers 13?

·      We talked about rhombuses. How do we draw a rhombus? How many sides and points does a rhombus have? We played the game It is or Is not a rhombus? We looked for things that were in the shape of a rhombus in our classroom and outside. We compared rhombuses to squares to see what was the same and what was different.

·        We worked on the letters, Rr, Kk, Aa, Vv. We practiced writing them on white boards and spotting them with bingo dabbers. We also talked about different words that start with each letter.

·      We talked about the color Green. We looked who was wearing the color green and what colors we could find in our classroom and outside. We also sang a song about the color green.

What to Expect:

  • ­Letters: Mm, Nn, Ww, Xx
  •  The number: Fourteen, 14
  • The color: Blue
  • ­  The Shape: Oval
  • ­  Sight word: A
  • STEM Unit: Looking more at the Life Cycles of Insects. Are they all the same? What is an Insect?

Thank you for your support! Working with your preschooler at home really makes a difference.

Classroom Donations:

·      Bags of dirt for our sensory table

Important Dates:

·      April 27th: Mathematics Knowledge & Skills – Understanding Child Development Part 4 of 4- 6-7pm at Spark!

·      April 27th: PBIS Reward System


School News/District News:

Mathematic Knowledge and Skills – Understanding Child Development, Part 4 in a 4 part series

Mathematic Knowledge & Skills describes children’s abilities to understand numbers, quantity, and the relationships between them. Also important to this domain is a basic understanding of shapes, the position of shapes in space, patterns, data, and measurement. Many skills in early mathematic require children to make generalizations and think abstractly, which builds cognitive skills that support a wide array of early learning and are associated with positive outcomes.

 Spark! Discovery Preschool parents are invited to join us for a parent session called


“Mathematic Knowledge and Skills”

Thursday, April 27th, 2017, 6:00 – 7:00pm


·      This session is free and will be facilitated by preschool teachers, including: Megan Burgess, Tori Menard, Kiersten Pierpoint and Alyssa Rehder.

·      Attending parents will learn how math skills develop in preschool-aged children and create activities that can be used at home to encourage development of these skills

·      We will have some childcare – high school-aged helpers- sponsored by the Spark! PTO

·      Light refreshments will be served

·      Families attending will enter a drawing for free Spark! spirit-wear (kid-sized), prizes, books for the home, etc.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Mrs. Tori & Ms. Tessa

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