Ms. Mary’s Update 9-16-19

Dear Families,

**Tomorrow is picture day for our class!**
 We spent time last week showing and sharing our Me Bags.  Please feel free to send one in this week if you haven’t already!   Each day there will be a new student of the day.  This student will be the helper and can choose to wear a cape for the day!  This is part of our PATHS curriculum. Last week we began investigating our 5 senses.  We read books about this topic, guessed what was in the bag using our sense of touch, listened to Laurie Berkner’s Shaky Egg song and shook our own instruments following the instructions, played I-spy with our name tags to name the first letter of our names and look for the letter “Aa” and we discussed things we like to eat/taste.  Students drew pictures of themselves eating and we worked together to write a sentence about what each student likes to eat. We started our Fundations last week.  This is the curriculum that will guide students to learn how to name the letters of the alphabet, know the sound of the letters and a word that starts with the letter.   There will be a letter in the Thursday folder about our STEM unit. Information will be coming home this Thursday about the Myon online reading program.  Your login information should be the same as last year. Sherry and I are really enjoying getting to know all of the students!  We look forward to seeing their smiling faces tomorrow 🙂
 With our best,Mary and Sherry 


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