Message from Our Principal, Paige Gordon
Dear Families:
I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family!
It’s time to start thinking about enrollment for next year, the 2025-2026 school year – if they are going to move on to kindergarten or if they are going to come back for another year of preschool.
KINDERGARTEN in ’25-’26: Registration for kindergarten for next year began on December 2. Please read what we sent out in our Nov 18th newsletter here.
PRESCHOOL in ’25-’26: Children eligible for preschool another year will be receiving individualized letters, specific to their individual situation, are going to be sent home this Thursday in Thursday folders. It’s important to pay attention to your child’s letter, as children qualify for preschool through various factors and every student will get information that is tailored to their specific scenario. Because of this, please rely on the information available to each family in their child’s individualized letter instead of relying on information friends, neighbors, social media, etc.
Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, St. Vrain Valley Schools will offer five-day-a-week preschool programs. Families can explore options including half-day morning and afternoon sessions, with full-day programs available at Spark! Discovery Preschool. At Spark! that will be:
- AM Session: 8:30 am – 11:10 am, Mon – Fri
- PM Session: 12:25 – 3:05 pm, Mon – Fri
- Full Day Session: 8:30 am – 3:05 pm, Mon – Fri
2025-2026 Preschool Tuition Rates, set by our school district:
- Part-Time Preschool: $592.00 (for families with children who are not 4 years old, that do not qualify for scholarships, and are not enrolled through Special Education)
- Second Half of Full-Day Preschool $708.00 (for families not qualifying for full-day through UPK):
- Full-Day Preschool: $1,342.00 (for families not qualifying for any UPK)
Registration for the upcoming school year begins on December 17, and more information is below. Visit svvsd.org/preschool for more details and registration information.
With respect – Paige Gordon, Principal – Spark! Discovery Preschool, [email protected]

The Magic of Books and Pajamas at Spark!
Our Book and Pajama Drive offers children in need a set of new pajamas and a book during this season. After all, good nights are good days! Donate a pair of new pajamas (Boys sizes- 2T, 3T, 4T, and 6), ( Girls sizes- 2T, and 6), and a new picture book that could be read at bedtime, to be given to students in need at our school as a community service to our families. Donations are now being accepted and can be dropped off at the Spark! Discovery Preschool at front office or your child’s classroom by Wednesday, December 18th. We will wrap books and PJ sets and get them distributed on Thursday the 19th, in the AM and PM. Thank you in advance for supporting our students with the magic of a book and cozy pajamas for students to use at home.
Counselor’s Corner – Dr. Sandy McTaggart — This week Dr. Sandy McTaggart will hold whole group counseling with students and working on friendship skills including: sharing/taking turns and managing conflicts with our friends. Please visit our Counselor’s Corner inside the school to access printed handouts for use at home on various topics Ms. Sandy has taught all students. Here are some additional resources electronically: https://sdpk.svvsd.org/wellness/counseling-resources-for-home/
Important Dates at Spark! Dec 9- 12
Mon, Dec 9, 2024
Big Idea of Early Mathematics Math focus: Number Operations
STEM profile of the Month: Empathetic
FUNDATIONS: Whole Alphabet Review
STEM Unit 2 Ends on 12-12-24 with THESE TOPICS/TEACHERS:
- Danielle H. and Amy N.- Expressing Ourselves through Art
- Noreen R. and Kaylee C.- People and Places in my Community
- Tori M., Kiersten P., and Marie B.- Making Music
- Kelli W., Miranda B., and Polly J.- Simple Machines – a study in Motion
All week our counselor, Ms. Sandy, will be conducting whole-group lessons on
WHOLE CLASS Counseling week schedule with Ms. Sandy
PJ and book drive to benefit students at Spark! — See notes about sizes needed
Tues, Dec 10, 2024
PJ and book drive to benefit students at Spark! — See notes about sizes needed
WHOLE CLASS Counseling week schedule with Ms. Sandy
Weds, Dec 11, 2024
PJ and book drive to benefit students at Spark! — See notes about sizes needed
WHOLE CLASS Counseling week schedule with Ms. Sandy
Thurs, Dec 12, 2024
PJ and book drive to benefit students at Spark! — See notes about sizes needed
WHOLE CLASS Counseling week schedule with Ms. Sandy
3:05 – 4:00 pm – Enrichment class – Build a snowman — BOT SPOT (Tasha is coordinator)
Fri, Dec 13, 2024
PJ and book drive to benefit students at Spark! — See notes about sizes needed
Important Dates at Spark! Dec 16- Dec 19
Mon, Dec 16
Big Idea of Early Mathematics Math focus: Number Operations
STEM profile of the Month: Empathetic
Mini- Unit 2- week long study (not STEM)
PJ and book drive to benefit students at Spark! — See notes about sizes needed
Enrichment class- 11 am – 12 pm- Build A Reindeer- Questions about this class can be directed to the Community Schools manager, Tasha Lugg at 720-652-7908
Tue, Dec 17
PJ and book drive to benefit students at Spark! — See notes about sizes needed
UPK registration for the 25-26 school year begins on 12-17-24
Wed, Dec 18
UPK Registration for 25-26 begins on 12-17-24
PJ and book drive to benefit students at Spark! — See notes about sizes needed — LAST DAY for DONATIONS.
Thurs, Dec 19
UPK Registration for 25-26 begins on 12-17-24
Fri, Dec 20, 2024 – Jan 6, 2025
School and Childcare are closed and school resumes Tuesday, Jan 7.
Jan 7, 2025
School resumes after winter break.
Tuition is due for the month of January. Questions? Call Stacey at 720-652-7906.
________________________________________________________________________________A message from our Health Clerk, Amanda Rivera [email protected]
Hello Spark families! Colorado has cold, dry winters, and for some children that makes eczema and dry skin flare up. If your student is in need of anything to alleviate symptoms, like lotion or cream, please contact me before sending anything with your student. We need to have a specific form on file that must be signed by a physician before we can use anything at school. If you have any question or concerns please feel free to reach out to Amanda Rivera- Health Clerk
A message from our Attendance Clerk / Registrar, Amy Yanez [email protected]
Please remember if families are taking days off/vacation days please let me know so office I can input students’ attendance properly into Infinite Campus. When calling to leave a message about your child’s absence, please leave a message with your child’s name, teacher name, and why your child is going to be absent. If your child is absent, and we have not received a voicemail/email we will be calling to verify the reason for your child is absent. Absences which remain unknown are marked as unexcused. Please note that if you are planning on taking an extended leave/vacation of more than 2 weeks (10 school days) reach out to The Early Education Department to disenroll, and then re enroll when the student returns from leave/vacation. The Early Education Department can not guarantee that your student will be placed in the same class and in the same session.
A message from our Campus Supervisor, Alicia Hall [email protected]
As winter settles in Colorado, snow and ice become part of our daily routines. While we actively monitor and treat walkways and parking lots, it’s possible for icy patches to appear. If you notice any ice hazards during drop-off or pick-up, please inform your child’s teacher right away or give our office a call, and we will address these concerns promptly to ensure everyone’s safety.
Additionally, the school has several retaining walls, cinder block walls, and concrete walls that can look inviting for climbing or balancing. However, these areas can become especially dangerous during winter due to ice. To keep everyone safe, please remind your child that these areas are off-limits.
Thank you for helping us maintain a safe environment for our students!
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